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The next day at the mall, Pinkie Pie was the first to arrive, being super excited. She even dressed up as Santa clause and announced to every single one of her friends who arrived that she'd hand out the presents.

Once they'd all arrived, there was a sack containing all of the gifts. Pinkie began the handing out with giving Fluttershy her gift- a new variation of animal drinking containers from Twilight. Rarity got the fabrics from Rainbow Dash and was over the moon that she got the new fabrics early. Apple Jack got a new belt and hat from Pinkie. Twilight got a stack of new books from her Wishlist from Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash got the one and only Windy Spitters soccer jersey from his first ever won soccer tournament, signed from Apple Jack. She was so over the moon and all AJ could do was smile. And finally Pinkie pie opened her gift of new confetti for her party cannon.

All the girls sat together, enjoying the others company when a guy (unknown to the rest of the group) came up behind Apple Jack, covering her eyes and in a flirtatious tone spoke.
"Guess who~" Apple Jack shrugged and turned around to see Buck, a guy their age, from another farmer family from mane hatten.
"Hoo wee! Buck! It's been a minute since you've been here! How are things!!"
She stood up from her chair to hug him but instead he pulled her in for a kiss.
"Ooooh~" almost the whole group cooed at the movement but Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel jealous. She watched as Apple Jack discreetly pushed him off of her and smiled awkwardly.

"Girls, this here is Buck, my uhh friend-"
"I wouldn't say that." He winked at her. "I'm crazy about this girl." He laughed at looked out across all her friends who were smiling for her. "That's why I'm here actually. To spend time with you-"
"Oh Buck that's sweet but we've actually got plans.. camping! We're going camping together tomorrow-" Apple Jack began lying through her teeth in hopes her friends would pick up but they didn't
"We are?" Pinkie pie scrunched up a face.
"Yeah uhh Pinkie, if you ever bothered to check your texts-" Rainbow Dash tried to follow Apple Jacks lead
"Nonsense! Rarity interrupted. "You go catch up with your.. what is it? Boyfriend?" Rarity batted her eyelashes at him and he just smirked
"Oh darlin' I wish! I just dream of calling her my girlfriend. She's been the Apple of my eye since the day we met."
Rainbow Dash unintentionally slammed her fists on the table as she got up and stormed away from the table.  

Apple Jack just stood and watched as Fluttershy followed after her.

Not even five minutes later Fluttershy was back all alone, no Rainbow Dash in sight.
"She didn't wanna talk. She just got in her car and left."

Apple Jack looked at the floor in guilt and after a while brushed Bucks hand off of her shoulder.
"Look Buck, it's great to see you but do you mind if I go check on my g- friend.."
"The pink haired one already checked on her. She didn't wanna talk-"
"Listen here. We can sort something out, but right now I'm meant to be with my friends, so excuse me."

Apple Jack stormed off, leaving the Mall in Granny Smiths same truck as she arrived in. The first place she headed was Rainbow Dashes house, but when she wasn't there Apple Jack immediately knew where she'd be.

She pulled in the car park of their local rec centre and walked herself in, finding Rainbow Dash on the basketball court. Thats usually how she blew off steam.
"Rainbow.. I- I'm sorry. I shoulda told you about Buck. But I can promise you, there's nothing going on with him. I don't even like him."

Nothing from Rainbow Dash, she just kept playing basketball.
"Rainbow please listen." Apple Jack begged. "We kissed once in the sixth grade. The first and last time I tried to kiss a boy. I didn't even have feelin's for him. It was what everyone else was doin' so I thought I had to. It was a silly summer romance. It wasn't even a romance. We just hung out for that one summer and he just keeps coming back."

Still, not a word from Rainbow Dash. As she missed her three pointer, she huffed and tried walking past Apple Jack who reacted by pulling Rainbow Dashes pony tail
"Hey!" She frowned "what was that fo-"

Apple Jack didn't even bother to look around to see if anyone was near and then she kissed Rainbow Dash passionately.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. And I can assure you there's nothing going on-"
"Does HE know that?"
That shut Apple Jack up.
"No.. but I'll tell him."
"And what was with that kiss huh?! Who does he think he is putting his gross lips on my girlfriend hm!?" Rainbow Dash gripped Apple Jack and kissed her lips repeatedly, even getting a big sloppy with them.. she stopped when Apple Jack let out a cute giggle. Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and tilted her head up.
"I'll talk to him Rainbow I promise." She wrapped her arm around her girlfriend and started walking "let's get out of here."

The two headed back to their cars and went their seperate ways. Not without a goodbye kiss though. Apple Jack assertively pushed Rainbow Dash against her Ute and watched her eyes widen with curiosity until she kissed her.
"Far out AJ~" she spoke between breathes before they let go.
"Wha-" Rainbow Dash whined as Apple Jack got in her car.
"Merry Christmas Dashie." She winked before reversing out the car park and heading home, leaving the rainbow haired girl shocked.
Fuck Apple Jack had a choke hold on her.

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