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This morning, Rainbow Dash walked into the home ec building, seeing Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy working together. The issue with coming in late. They usually worked as a 3 but there was no way of persuading the teacher this late into the lesson.
"Hey Miss-"
"Good morning Ms Dash.." she looked up at her through the top of her glasses. "You've got two options for this lesson- go to detention or you could mark papers with me. Which will you chose?"
"What! Marking papers? That's such rubbish!"
"Oookay. It looks like you've decided." She pulled out a pen and began writing on a yellow slip of paper. "Go take this to whoever it is monitoring detention." The teacher waved Rainbow Dash away and she stormed out of the classroom slamming the door behind her.

One of the first weeks of school and she's already gotten a detention. Or has she?
Will it be put down on her record if she doesn't go?

She decided to take that risk and go to her favourite teachers class instead. It also happened to be Apple Jack and Soarins class.
"Hey Miss!" She let herself in and felt the entire classes eyes on her.
"What are you doing Rainbow Dash?" The teacher smiled "don't you have anything better to do?"
"Nahh I just thought I'd come chill with the best teacher ever." She winked and shot finger guns at the teacher before pulling up a chair at her desk.
"So get this- Miss G gave me a detention for being late to her class." She spoke lowly in hopes no one else would hear. "She thinks my tardiness distracts the class from their cooking."
"So is that why you're here? You don't wanna go to detention?"
Rainbow Dash nodded and the teacher rolled her eyes
"Help my students with their work and I'll talk to principal Celestia and tell her you made up for it."
"Deal!" Rainbow Dash stood up and held her hand out to shake and the teacher took it.
"And I actually mean it this time. You've done this course so there should be no trouble."

Miss Cheerilee went back to whatever she was doing on her laptop and Rainbow Dash pulled up a chair in between Apple Jack and Soarin.
"What in tar nation makes you think it's okay to skip detention." Apple Jack scowled her, clipping her on the ear.
Rainbow Dash could only smile, finding Apple Jacks mother like demeanour wayyy too attractive.
"Alright" she held her hands up in defence. "Sorry mom." She gawked like a five year old and Soarin laughed, holding up his hand for a high five. They giggled together like a pair of little kids after making fart noises with their armpits and Apple Jack playfully rolled her eyes.

"Rainbow Dash" the teacher grabbed her attention "she needs help." Ms Cheerilee pointed out one student in particular and Rainbow Dash helped them in a flash.

After half an hour of doing nothing bus spending time with her girlfriend and her best friend, she got bored.
"Missss~ can we watch a movieeee?"

"Hmm I suppose that isn't a terrible idea, just as long as everyone get their work done. Rainbow Dash is still here to help with any questions you may have."

The rainbow haired girl rolled her eyes and Soarin giggled. They were so immature.
"Miss?" Apple Jack raised her hand. "Could I go to the bathroom?"
She nodded and as Apple Jack was about to leave the room, Rainbow Dash stood up, declaring she was going too.

The pair walked out of the classroom together and went to the toilet. Before she even entered a cubical, Apple Jack began to wreath out of her tightly fit, low rise jeans. Rainbow Dashes eyes were glued to the sight until the door shut.

She sat herself on the window sill, looking down at the oval, all the people who had PE right then. She watched as twilight very badly flirted with Flash Sentry, Rarity literally jumped out of the way, in order to not come in contact with the ball, resulting in Bon Bon having the ball smashed into her face.

Rainbow Dash snickered to herself as Apple Jack flushed and came out of the cubical, smiling at her girlfriend.
"What are you laughin at?" She washed her hands and approached the girl standing inbetween her legs, rubbing her hands up and down the girls thighs and hips.
"S-stop." Rainbow Dash mumbled and hid her blushing face.
"Awe.. Is someone nervous?" Apple Jack patronisingly asked, knowing how Rainbow Dash got.
"N-no.." she started, "we just have to get back to your class."

Rainbow Dash got off the ledge and Apple Jack hand her hands on the girls hips
"We both know that's not it."

She pulled Apple Jack out the bathroom and they went to the back oval where no one ever went.
"Did ya know apparently they're taking year book pictures?"
"This early?"
"Yup. Last year they had problems with 'em so they decided to get an earlier start"
"That's fine by me if it means getting out of class."
"Yuh know, you're so smart Rainbow. I don't get why you only put in a small amount of effort. You have so much potential."
"It's fine Apple Jack. I don't need grades when I have my sports. That's what's more important to me."
Apple Jack sighed and nodded, placing her head on Rainbow Dashes shoulder. She turned and kissed the top of the blonde girls head before softly resting her own head on top of hers.

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