XVII 🦂 One Last Heartbreak

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chapter XVII

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chapter XVII

🌷 Daphne was sick with worry. Her arm was shaking when she lifted Percy's glass closer to his mouth, unconscious and heating up in the infirmary bed. Golden light was seeping through the window, shining upon them both.

She'd been sitting beside him in the infirmary for the whole day, from the moment she had awoken and was told my some of her very nervous looking cabin mates that they found him half-dead on the outskirts of the woods.

"You wake her up," Travis whispered, elbowing one of his sisters.

"Why me?" she hissed back. "You're the one who was awake in the middle of the night like a little creep and saw him laying there!"

Daphne winced, opening her eyes groggily. "Whasgoinon?"

Her cabin mates fell quiet, which instantly concerned her. The Hermes kids were anything but shy. Daphne pushed herself up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Uuhh...guys?"

"Erm..." a young boy who couldn't have been nine started forward and broke the quiet. He was friends with one of the Hermes kids, a son of Aphrodite. For a second she wondered why he was in their cabin, but their nervous faces told Daphne that something wasn't quite right. There were a few kids still snoozing sleepily on the bunks, so he was whispering to her. "We had to wake you up. They found your friend - I can't remember his name, but - he looked really hurt. Outside the forest..."

Daphne snapped her body up. Through her mind, she repeated the words Luke had once told her: "I'll let you in on a secret. One of the funnest things you can do in camp is sneak out into the woods and look for something big to fight."

Her body went cold. She groaned as she stood, considering she was sleeping on the floor for the last time before she could steal someone else's bunk when they left for the school year. The Hermes cabin parted for her as she pushed her way through them, heart pumping in her ears.

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