VIII 🌊 Spoiler: They Didn't Get a Quest. So Daphne Sneaks Out!

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 chapter VIII

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chapter VIII

🌷  As soon as Daphne reached her cabin, she started packing her backpack with all of her belongings. Which really didn't take a lot of time, because she only really owned like, three things.

She chewed on her bottom lip as she stared at her yellow rubber ducky from the Waterland theme park. After a couple of seconds of debate, she picked it up and made her way towards the Big House. Daphne crept out of the cabin stealthily, but it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway because her cabin mates were snoring enough to shake the shack.

Daphne was never light-footed either. She seemed to have lost her ability to sneak around since finding comfort in camp. On the streets, she could dance between fast cars and yellow taxis, dodging as they came straight for her. But now she could hardly walk a few paces without stumbling over her own feet.

Basically, she let her guard down and became a total clutz. Maybe a quest would do good for her, bringing back that sneaky spark?

Bang. Daphne bumped into the door as it hit her back. She winced and scurried away.

She reached the Big House and inched up the creaky steps quietly. Daphne climbed and climbed until she made it to the ladder which lead to the attic.

She'd only been up there twice before. Once, because Chiron sent her up there to survey the Ancient Greek relics of their ancestors and the quest spoils. When she came down he looked almost disappointed, like he expected the horrifying mummy they kept up there to give Daphne her own prophecy.

(The mummy was pretty hard to explain. It was an oracle, actually, and you should never leave for a quest without seeking Her out. She - or It, more like - only awoke when She/It decided to. Daphne had never seen it happen, and to be honest, she didn't really want to.)

The second time was because Lee was teaching her how to use their new basketball launcher, courtesy of the Hephaestus cabin. Long story short, she overshot and it broke the top window of the Big House and because it was pretty much only her fault, she was nominated to retrieve it.

The Siren of the Summer Tide🌺Percy Jackson Where stories live. Discover now