XIII 🐹 Oh No. Paradise Turned Percy into a Rodent. (2)

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chapter XIII

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chapter XIII

🌊 Yeah... Percy was having a pretty terrible day. Thanks for asking, though. First his half-brother Tyson died trying to save them from being blown to smithereens - (wow, not a great starter) - then he was stuck on a boat for hours with nothing to drink and the sun beating down on him aggressively - (great! Now he was going to die from dehydration.) - and his friend was glaring at him like it was all his fault. (Okay, but seriously? Why was Daphne so angry? Sure, the mixup with the seasickness pills... but he was just trying to help! She was just grumpy for no reason.)

And just as things were starting to look up - when they'd found land in a utopia which promised them life - Percy was being treated as though he was too ugly to live there. And yeah, he didn't really like to think about his appearance much, but it still really hurt. He was an insecure teenage boy.

Once his only two companions had been whisked away to the promise of a spa day, C.C took his arm and guided him toward the mirrored wall. "You see, Percy... to unlock your potential, you'll need serious help. The first step is admitting that you're not happy the way you are."

Percy fidgeted in the front of the mirror, hating thinking about his appearance - like the first zit that had cropped up on his nose at the beginning of the school year, or the fact that his two front teeth weren't perfectly even, or even that his hair never stayed down straight.

C.C's voice brought all of these things to mind, as if she were passing him under a microscope. And his clothes were not cool. He knew that.

Who cares? Part of him thought. But standing in front of C.C.'s mirror, it was hard to see anything good in himself.

"There, there," C.C consoled. "How about we try... this."

She snapped her fingers and a sky-blue curtain rolled down over the mirror. It shimmered like the fabric on her loom.

"What do you see?" C.C whispered.

Percy looked at the blue cloth, not sure what she meant. "I don't-"

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