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Author's pov
Pls sir am sorry we will return ur money back pls sir give us sometime pls sir SHUT THE FUCK UP THINK U WILL JUST TALK TALK AND I WILL LISTEN TO U HUH JUST GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK JUST NOW OR BE READY TO BE DEAD sir sorry, sorry sir pls forgive us We don't want be killed if u want them we can give u out daughter to u The man who was in a club wanting his money from the couple who just stole 10 billion dollars from the me and promise to return back but didn't and I am not that person who would a second chance to someone and everyone knows how ruthless I am still they have the courage now if they don't give my money then I'll make sure their daughter has to suffer lot because they made a mistake for returning money back to me the mafia king of korea Kim taehyung
On the other side
Jisoo's house
Jisoo was sitting on her bed chatting with her friends because she knows that in this world the people she can trust is her beloved best friends not even her parents becaus ethey treat her so badly and not even consider her as their daughter just as a slave
Her friend knows her situation so they always comfort her and say that they are for her Then Jennie one of her best friend called her

Hey chu

Hey jenn what's up

Nothing just bored and today am sad too because I can't get to see u, nayeonnie and jihyo

Yeah Mee too but what can we do it's our holiday today

So what are u doing

Nothing just bored alone at house as my parents have gone somewhere

Ohh ok listen chu my mom is calling me I'll call u later ok byee

Byee jenn *Call ended*
Then jisoo heard a ringbell she went downstairs and saw her parents with some men

Jisoo was confused what is happening
Jisoo: what happened mom
Mrs Kim: Listen jisoo me and ur dad has decided that ur not going to live with us we have sell u to a mafia for some due reasons so without any reason just shut up and go
Jisoo was so shocked like the world shattered from her feet how can her parents sell her to the mafia
Mrs Kim: and that's why I said u to pack ur bags so go bring them!!
Jisoo ran to her room and started crying
Jisoo: why God why it has to be me why I can't live peacefully is my destiny this maybe yes all I have to just cry and suffer he is a dangerous mafia what if he kills me I don't want to die before I saw my Jenn nayeonnie and jihyo 's face they are the only person I can trust*sniff*
But what now I have to
Then jisoo take all her stuff and for last time maybe she sees her room and went with that bodyguards
Then they reached the mansion and bodyguards blindfolded her and take her at the secret basement in the mansion

Tae's pov
Now that gold diggers didn't pay my money back so their daughter has to suffer poor girl*smirks*
'Boss the girl is in basement'
I nodded and went to her and saw her she was tied in a chair and she was very pretty and beautiful
She has slim nose, almond hazel eyes, long straight hair, heart shaped kissable lips she was just so beautiful

Tae's pov Now that gold diggers didn't pay my money back so their daughter has to suffer poor girl*smirks*'Boss the girl is in basement'I nodded and went to her and saw her she was tied in a chair and she was very pretty and beautiful She has slim...

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The dress and look of her
Tae just went to her and her head was down and she felt someone is standing in front of her so she opened her eyes and saw a tall handsome man

Tae was just mesmerizing her beautyHis eyes went to her lips he wanted to kiss on her kissable lips Tae: hey babygirl*said in a husky deep voice*She was scared also as she thought he was the mafia she is sold to Jisoo: s-sir i-i don't k-know w-who...

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Tae was just mesmerizing her beauty
His eyes went to her lips he wanted to kiss on her kissable lips
Tae: hey babygirl*said in a husky deep voice*
She was scared also as she thought he was the mafia she is sold to
Jisoo: s-sir i-i don't k-know w-who u r b-but p-please let me go*being scared*
Tae: ohh ohh don't worry babygirl now ur parents sold u to me and ur parents stole 10 billion dollars from me and didn't give a penny back so they sold u to me to suffer right*smirks*
Jisoo: pls I beg u sir pls don't do this to me I want to go I don't want to stay here pls
That made tae angry so he pulled her by her hair face to his face their faces were inches apart
Tae: see miss jisoo I don't want to repeat ok and from now on u'll stay with me in my house no matter what and follow all orders of mine and if u try to escape from here then u'll get a hard punishment right miss jisoo
Jisoo was just glaring at him not uttering any word
Jisoo flinched and nodded nervously
Tae: now just go to ur room the maids will lead u there
Then she nervously got upfrom her chair and walked out and saw a maid was standing there she lead her to the room
Maid: sir is very cruel right and u r his hostage right
Jisoo nodded
The she reached her room it was quite big and it was beautiful also

Tae was just mesmerizing her beautyHis eyes went to her lips he wanted to kiss on her kissable lips Tae: hey babygirl*said in a husky deep voice*She was scared also as she thought he was the mafia she is sold to Jisoo: s-sir i-i don't k-know w-who...

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'He is really very rich.', jisoo mumbled.
But I still miss my friends and started to cry
On the other side:-
Chaejenlisa already know that her parents sold jisoo to the most dangerous mafia of korea Kim taehyung
Jennie nayeon and jihyo were very worried for jisoo
Nayeon: Jennie, jisoo is there with mafia king how badly would he treat her *being sad*
Jihyo: how cruel and bad are her parents how can someone sell their own daughter to the mafia I just literally want to shout on them and slap them
Jennie: stop it guys let us first think that how to contact her and maybe we should help her to get out of there
Nahyo nodded

Now let's see next what jisoo's friends will do to help her get out of there
Stay tuned for next chapter
This is my ff I hope u like it
Vote for it!! 😊
Thankss 💖😊

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