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"Yes unnie u can ask me anything."
"Hmm does Taehyung have any girlfriend or had any girlfriend?"
"But why huh huh? *smirks*."
"Ahh lisa it's nothing like that and u just told me that I can ask u anything."
Lisa laughed at her cuteness
"Ok ok unnie am telling and pls unnie don't share it with anyone ok."
"Yeah I'll promise I'll not tell anyone about this."
"Actually yes ur correct tae oppa was not in mafia that time and was very kind caring to everyone and had a girlfriend in his college times and it was very pure that they were still together but due to some reasons they broke up last 2 years ago."
"Huh what reasons?"
"Actually she cheated on him with tae oppa 's best friend both were having their own affair without even oppa knowing and one day when taehyung oppa was in his college as usual waiting for his love of life and when he sees tzuyu unnie a genuine smile plastered on his face and tae oppa comes to her and tell her
"Hey love come let's go or otherwise we'll be late for our class." This was the usual line when he tells her to come with him he called her love but she stopped her and jimin oppa and jungkook and me were with tae oppa only and tae oppa said her
"What happened babe." Then tzuyu unnie said to him "Tae I think we should....break up." and at that moment his broke into a million pieces because that was the only girl he loved so much and trusted so much more than anyone and tae oppa said "why tzuyu why ur doing this is there any reason ur doing u can tell and share with me." And anybody can tell by seeing on her face or in her eyes that she was very sad to do this because we all know that she also genuinely loved tae oppa and that reason of breaking up suddenly that can't tzuyu unnie do "It's nothing like that tae it's just I don't feel any future in our relationship and it's just I can't be with u so it's all over." We all were so shocked and from that day he always drink and doesn't sleep and I also gone London for my further studies and from that day he doesn't talk or meet her and I don't know more about them and from that day he became so rude and cruel everyone and now he can't even trust anybody and if we also tell him to like someone or to be with someone he always rejects because he can't love someone like he does to his girlfriend and I don't know even if he likes her now also but I don't like to see tae oppa said because of her but tzuyu unnie was very nice but I didn't not I everyone even tae oppa can't even except this from her and now also I can say that maybe he has some feelings for tzuyu unnie.
Jisoo felt very sad
"Ohh that's sad to hear and can u tell his girlfriend's name?"
"Tzuyu Choi tzuyu."
"Hmm but unnie u don't need to worry ok."
Jisoo nodded
"Ok unnie let's just forget about all this and co concentrate on our trip unnie why don't we go shopping huh what's say?"
"Ahhmm I don't know ur taehyung oppa will not agree to this he will not allow me to go out u go and enjoy it's been a long time to see korea so u should u and enjoy yourself."
"Ohh come on unnie don't say that I'll ask him and am sure he will not say no to me ok just wait here."
"Ahmm wait wait lisa ohh God how can I tell this girl but am really sad for taehyung how he loved her so much and that girl hmm..."
On the other side
"Oppa can I come in?"
"Yes lisa what happened?"
"Oppa can u pls let me and jisoo unnie go shopping for our trip plsss?"
"But why jisoo u can also go alone."
"Yeah I know but I need her to go for shopping her dressing sense is really nice."
"Huh how can u tell that u have met her today only."
"Yahhh I know but plsss let me and jisoo unnie I promise we will not be too late actually it's been a long time I have come here in korea so let me enjoy so I'll jisoo unnie with me ok."
"Ok fine but don't be too late ok."
Lisa happily nodded and went out of his room
Lisa then came to jisoo's room and told her that taehyung has agreed to their shopping so both are going to get ready
Their looks and dresses:-

"Lisa happily nodded and went out of his roomLisa then came to jisoo's room and told her that taehyung has agreed to their shopping so both are going to get readyTheir looks and dresses:-

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Both got ready Lisa: wow jisoo unnie ur looking very pretty Jisoo blushed and answered Jisoo: ur also looking very beautifulLisa smiled and both goes to taehyung's roomLisa knocked "Come in

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Both got ready
Lisa: wow jisoo unnie ur looking very pretty
Jisoo blushed and answered
Jisoo: ur also looking very beautiful
Lisa smiled and both goes to taehyung's room
Lisa knocked
"Come in."
They both entered and saw taehyung sitting on his bed using his phone
Lisa: oppa me and jiso unnie are ready so we'll be having right now ok
Taehyung just nodded and glanced at jisoo
"She's looking very hot huh!"
Tae: And u(pointing at jisoo)
Jisoo was but shocked
Jisoo: y-yes
Tae: lisa is after a long time here so she doesn't know many things about here so it's your duty to be with her and guide her not just be in ur own world and do shopping for urs okk!*cold tone*
Jisoo nervously nodded
Lisa: arghhh oppa why are u threatening her she is not like those girls she is very nice unnie my unnie so pls don't start lecturing her okk she knows what to do and what not to do
Tae: lisa-
U(pointing at jisoo) go down lisa is coming in 5 mnts
Jisoo felt sad and went downstairs
Lisa: why did u let her go
Tae: lisa listen first she is my hostage that means not even my gf not even my friend nothing so I should not let her go freely out this mansion if she runs away then what so I should be strict towards her not always treat her like she is the queen here
Lisa: oppa tell when did u treat her and she felt it like a queen here?
Tae: lisa pls be quiet now and am the only one who allowed u to grow uth her otherwise u'll be going alone ok
Lisa: ok fine oppa but pls don't threaten or shout at her she is really very nice u should not judge people at first sight u should at least talk to her nicely*while lowering her head*
Taehyung made an angry face but he have to control because it's his Lil sister
Tae: pls don't take her name in front of me
Lisa: I know oppa but u have to understand me and ur friends all are telling u from last 2-3 months to find a new girl I know it's difficult but u have to one day ur not just gonna live ur life without any girl in ur life oppa u need to married some day
Try to love someone as u does to tzuyu
Tae understand each and every word that lisa was saying he knows that lisa is right but he can't accept that fact the girl he loves someone whole-heartedly and she also loves him one day she cheats on him and gone maybe there's a reason that's why or but taehyung will not love someone like he does to tzuyu now also he wants tzuyu but she is not there with him.
And at that moment jisoo entered in their room
Jisoo: am s-sorry I just a-am s-sorry
Jisoo felt like crying so she ran away from there
Lisa: Oppaaa! Plsss can't u just talk nicely to her arghh now she's crying
Taehyung just blankly sat on his bed he felt sad whenever he shouts at jisoo but doesn't know why he felt like this towards Jisoo his hostage!
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