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Jisoo and lisa went towards taekook's cars
Jisoo was tensed for taehyung but at the same time scared also because she knows that before leaving taehyung already warned her to take care of lisa as she's after a long time here but they are in a problem and now taehyung will definately angry on her
Jisoo and lisa were so tensed for both the but taekook were fighting really good
Abd at last the men ran away from there after pleading so much. Then finally jungkook and taehyung came there at where the girls were
Lisa: oppa jungkook are u both okay
Jungkook nodded but taehyung angrily said
Taehyung: I have told u both to come home early but no u will do as ur wish right if jungkook didn't come here and saw u both then he will not inform me about this then imagine what can happen to u both and u(referring to jisoo) I have told u earlier before leaving that come home early don't be late don't be late don't be late huh lisa came here after a long time so she doesn't know anything about but u know most of the things na and u know that if it's late night it's dark also and this way is also not safe for girls but no u have to go by this way only huh
Lisa: Oppa pls stop don't shout at her u can shout at me because I was the one who told her to go from this way instead she was stopping me from going from this way
Tae: I told u both u never wanted to listen to me and u jisoo come to my room i have to talk to
Jisoo nervously nodded
Lisa: thanks jungkook for saving us today*smiling*
Jungkook: it's alright but be careful next time and u hyung u didn't even tell me that lisa has come back from London
Tae: ahh I forgot but now she's here so u can meet her
Jungkook: not today I'll come to ur mansion and I'll meet lisa okk
Lisa happily nodded
Lisa: ok then bye jungkook good night take care
Jungkook: yeah good night u also take care
Both bid bye to each other and taehyung too then jungkook goes jn his car and taehyung lisa and jisoo in taehyung's car
Taehyung was in driver seat and lisa beside him and jisoo behind them
Lisa: btw oppa what do u want to talk to jisoo personally?
Tae: it's nothing like that u just ignore all this ok
Jisoo was very nervous and scared what if taehyung beat her or scold at her
Taehyung time to time take glances at jisoo by mirror in car
Then they reached their mansion and taehyung parked the car and both the girls went to their respective rooms except jisoo
She was feeling thirty so she came to kitchen and started drinking water
No one was there present all the maids servants had gone for sleep and lisa was in her room as it was very late in night
When jisoo was drinking water she saw taehyung entering his hall and locked the main door. She was very scared as taehyung told her to meet her at his room
Tae: Listen come meet me in my room
Jisoo nervously nodded then taehyung went to his room and jisoo kept the glass and went to his room. She knocked at his room
*Knock knock*
Tae:come in
Jisoo entered in his room
Jisoo: u wanted t-to talk a-about s-something
Tae: yess*smirks*
Then taehyung locked his room and turned towards jisoo
Jisoo: hey what are u d-doing?
Taehyung didn't said anything but just coming closer and closer towards jisoo and she was moving backwards and she stopped and saw at her back that she hit the wall. Taehyung came very close to her face, their faces were just inches apart.
Jisoo: u said u wanted t-to talk a-about s-something s-so tell m-me that
Tae: actually miss jisoo I have already warned u earlier that u two must came at time but u didn't obey my orders right? And I don't like the people who don't obey my orders so I give them punishment as lisa is my sister I won't be punishing her but u. U ur not my anything so I can punsih u right*smirks*
Jisoo: what d-do you m-meant b-by punishment
Tae: huh u play very nicely u just act innocent infront of everyone but ur very clever right
Jisoo: I don't understnd what u said
Tae: huhh*moves more closer to her face*
Then taehyung eyes went to jisoo's lips
He can't control himself so he smashed his lips into her. He kissed her and after sometime she also kissed him back and by that move taehyung was shocked but soon smirked and without breaking the kiss he put her on his bed. Both were kissing deeply and after their intense kiss he moved down to her neck and started giving her kisses and sucking their. Jisoo was moaning and enjoying due to the pleasure given by taehyung. Taehyung stopped giving her hickeys and looked deep into jisoo's eyes. Both made eye contact for a while then taehyung started removing his shirt which he was wearing and jisoo can see his visible abs. Taehyung knows that jisoo was shocked to see tae's body. Taehyung again started kissing jisoo then both became needy for each other then taehyung slowly removed her dress and and started kissing her on her tummy giving their wet kisses then then taehyung moved back to her neck and started kissing there he was about to open her bra and panty but someone knocked at their room
Tae: F*ck!
Jisoo also flinched by that knock on tae's room
Tae: u wear your dress and hide somewhere go go go
Jisoo nodded then jisoo wear her dress but taehyung was already staring at her body
Jisoo: Whatt? why are u staring at me!!!
Tae: ahh huhh ahmm uhmm...
Jisoo then wore her dress and hide in his almirah.
Taehyung also wore his outfit and set his hair and all looking at mirror and then opened his door
Tae: Lisa u what are you d-doing?
Lisa: why am I not supposed to be here u only said that if u had any problem u can ask me
Tae: ohh yeah but at this late night what happened
Lisa: nothing I just can't sleep so came here to discuss about our trip
Taehyung nodded
Lisa: btw let's call jisoo unnie also
Taehyung eyes became widened
Tae: ahhh NO!
Lisa: uhhh why did u again scold at her
Tae: huh no but if u want discuss u can discuss with me u can discuss with her tomorrow ok and can we discuss tomorrow because tomorrow jungkook is coming and he will meet u but u'll be sleeping like a sleepy head so u should sleep
Lisa: yeah ur right oppa ok then byee oppa good night
Tae: good night lisa
Then lisa left from his room and quickly taehyung locked his room
jisoo: yeah u did nice otherwise today we'll be caught together
Jisoo eyes became watery
"I don't why I am so stupid that I believe in this devil even though I like him I know that he'll never like me back I am such a stupid girl!!!"
Tae: hey what r u staring at just get out of this room
As u already know that tae's first love was tzuyu but after his break up he never dated any girl but just used them for his pleasure!
This chapter is over
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