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Jisoo just gone to Seulgi with NamJoon
Namjoon: seulgi this is jisoo I told u right she also came here so as we all are discussing so she was alone u can have talk with her okk
Seulgi smiled and nodded and told jisoo to sit beside her
Jin: look how comfortably they are talking jisoo is very nice girl I hope I can also get like her
All boys laughed and tae just glared at him and anyone can tell that he is jealous
Jimin: ahhmmm I think someone is jealous here
Tae: just shut up jimin
Jimin: huh why are u shutting me up I didn't tell your name
Tae just rolled his eyes
Then Seulgi and jisoo were talking jisoo felt like she was not talking to her for the first time she was very comfortable with her
Seulgi: so there a relationship between u and tae
Jisoo: no no no not at all unnie w-we are just friends
Seulgi: don't lie me jisoo I know ur his hostage namjoon doesn't lies to me that's why I love him
Jisoo: yeah namjoon oppa is really a gentleman right
Seulgi: chuckles and said yeah he's my choice my choice is not bad u know
Both chuckled
And from far away some boys were staring at jisoo
Seulgi 's phone started ringing so she excuse one minute and gone from there jisoo was alone so a boy came and ask her to dance with him and she unwantedly agreed to it and while they were dancing tae was glancing at them time to time. Jisoo was uncomfortable by his touch so she tell me not to dance and he again took her with him to the bar section and ordered two drinks for them
He was being nice to jisoo and she thought "maybe he is not that bad."
Then the boy secretly told the bartender to put the drugs in the drink and gives some money then he gave that drink to jisoo in which drugs was mixed she was not aware of that and then she started drinking that and now she was not feeling good at all she was feeling dizzy and told the boy
Jisoo:I am not feeling good at all my mind uhmm... I am feeling dizzy
Boy smirks and took the chance and was going out with jisoo but a punch came on his and it was from tae
Tae: what do u think that u can take her away huh
Boy: am sorry pls leave me
Tae was about punch him once again but everybody came
Namjoon: don't do it taehyung we'll take care of him u just go with jisoo and I'll inform u everything on call or tomorrow ok
Tae: am sorry noona that I can't attend ur wedding and u too hyung
Seulgi: it's ok tae no problem and yeah I have a new friend now and I had a nice time with her I hope u take her with u whenever if we all have get together
Tae nodded and vsoo left from there
Then tae went to his car with jisoo beside him and he was very angry at jisoo that how can she dance with some stranger whom she doesn't know
Then they reached tae's mansion and he took jisoo in bridal style as jisoo was feeling very dizzy and wants to just sleeps then he took her to her bedroom and made her sit on her bed and was about to leave because he really doesn't like to see jisoo with other boys so he was leaving but jisoo held his arm and stopped him and stand in front of him while wrapping her arms around his neck
Tae: what are u d-doing
Jisoo: u know I just don't know why I don't feel good when I see u with other girls I just felt a feeling like am jealous even though u r really bad but still I don't know how I started liking u
*She doesn't know what she was saying as she was not in her senses really and was saying becaus of drugs and it was really what she really felt for him but she doesn't know that she was really expressing it to tae
Tae was shocked that his hostage fell for him
Tae: ur not in ur senses right now u should sleep
Jisoo: nooo Don't u always told me what to do and ignores me which I don't like at all taehyung u know whenever u came closer to me I felt my hearts beat so fast and when u kissed me the day I felt really nice I love ur kiss but I know still u would not like me*let out a sad chuckled*
Tae just smirked and asked jisoo
"Did u reply loved my kiss?"
Jisoo nodded and happy like a small baby
Tae chuckled at her cuteness
"So if I kiss u now will u really like that?"
///Smut/// if ur not comfortable u may skip it
Jisoo nodded then tae pulled her closer to himself by her waist and kissed her gently
She also kissed him back tae just smirked and took that he bite her lower lips and taste the bitter flavour which she gulp then after their 8 minutes of kiss he without breaking the kiss laid her down on bed and tae hovered above her he then started removing his coat and again kissed her then moved down to her neck and started giving her hickeys she was just loving it and moaning due to the pleasure give by him he then teared her dress and then he goes to her cleavage and started giving kiss. Then he removed her bra and panty and lick his lips at the view of her body and started sucking her b**bs and grabbed other b**bs and started massaging it
Jisoo was moaning
Jisoo: aahhh hmm ahhha taee ahh
Then moved to her tummy and started giving their wet kisses she was just enjoying then tae when to her lower area and started kissing , sucking her there...
This was the first time they did it...
After their long night jisoo woke up feeling headache and saw that she was whatt NAKEDD? and with what TAEHYUNG??? She was very confused what was happening she just slowly woke up and wore tae's black shirt and went out of room and started crying that she slept with him even though she likes him but she was not ready to accept that she slept with him
Time skip~

After their long night jisoo woke up feeling headache and saw that she was whatt NAKEDD? and with what TAEHYUNG??? She was very confused what was happening she just slowly woke up and wore tae's black shirt and went out of room and started crying ...

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Her outfit

isoo after getting bath and getting ready
and then she came out of her and at the same time tae also came out of his room jisoo and tae clash to themselves and jisoo fell upon taehyung
Thanks for watching
I hope u like it
Stay tuned for next chapter

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