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Time skip
When taehyung entered his mansion he went to his room changed his clothes and went straight to jisoo's room and knocked at her door
She opened it and asked
'huh what are u doing here any problem.'
"See, I don't want to waste my time with u so I am here to tell u that namjoon hyung and his wife have decided to go a trip after their marriage and s-seulgi noona is insisting that u should also come to this trip so be ready for that and don't ask me for anything if u want them ask maids they will help u out and the trip will be in 8 days ok
Jisoo nodded and taehyung went from there,she closed the door and sat on her bed and started thinking
Why will he agree on that point maybe Seulgi unnie insists so that's why otherwise he would never take me out of this hou- ohh sorry MANSION!!!
Time skip to morning(next day)
Jisoo's pov
"Another boring morning." Jisoo saldy chuckled
Then jisoo goes for bath and gets ready in simple outifit but today she wears a pretty outfir

Then she went out of her room and went downstairs and saw taehyungThen jisoo went downstairs and sat in front of taehyung

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Then she went out of her room and went downstairs and saw taehyung
Then jisoo went downstairs and sat in front of taehyung

Then she went out of her room and went downstairs and saw taehyungThen jisoo went downstairs and sat in front of taehyung

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Taehyung's outfit
Then tae saw her"She looks pretty even in simple dress." *chuckles*
Then jisoo started eating her breakfast served. Then suddenly I heard a knock on the door and I saw taehyung smiling but why would he smile, then the maids opened the door and I saw one girl with her luggage standing there and smiling she was looking beautiful

 Then suddenly I heard a knock on the door and I saw taehyung smiling but why would he smile, then the maids opened the door and I saw one girl with her luggage standing there and smiling she was looking beautiful

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She said exitedly "Hi tae oppa."
Oppa??? I was confused who is she?
Then she came and suddenly hugged her which I don't like
"Hi tae oppa how are u?"
"Am good,how are u lisa?"
"I am also good tell me about yourself how is ur work going?"
"It's going good."
"When did u reach at the airport? U should have called me I would come there to pick u."
"U know what ur my old taetae oppa u have not changed the way u were with me in earlier times when tzuyu unnie was the-
Ohh am sorry! *Being sad*
Tae also got nervous that she took tzuyu's name here then he slowly looked at jisoo she was already looking at them
Huh? Tzuyu who's this tzuyu? Is she is tae's girlfriend or what? Or maybe this lisa is tae's girlfriend?
"Then lisa realised what she said then she moved her head towards jisoo and saw her."
"Oppa who's this?"
"Huh she's my-
"Hello Lisa am jisoo t-taehyung's-
"Ohh wait I know ur jisoo and ur his hostage I mean u stay here right?"
Jisoo nodded
Tae hit her arms by his arms tell her to be quite , then taehyung siad
"Go and get these luggages in the room next to me."
Maids nodded
"Lisa u must be tired u should be rest now go and change ur clothes and be comfortable ok."
"Of course oppa bye oppa bye jisoo unnie."
"Bye lisa*while smiling*
Taehyung was staring at jisoo while she was smiling
"Why r u here u also go!"
Jisoo became sad and went to her room.
At lisa's room:-
Huhh! Finally relieved, I want to sleep ahh am so tired
I just changed my clothes and wear my comfortable clothes and sat on the bed and started talking to her friend rose
Hello Rosie

Hey Lisa

What's up what are u doing

Nothing just being boring lisa when will u come

Rosie it may take time as my cousin namjoon oppa and Seulgi unnie just married so he said that after his marriage he will do a trip in which his friends and cousins will be there sooo uhmmm that's why

Ohh ok then bye lisaa

Bye Rosie
*Call ended*
Then lisa went out of her room and started moving towards his brother's room and knocked
"Come in."
"Ohh hey Lisa come sit."
"Thanks oppa..Btw oppa how's ur work going here?"
"Everything is going well, what about u how was ur studies in London?"
"Everything is well oppa btw is jisoo unnie is urs?"
"She's my hostage I have kidnapped her and kept her and she will live with me as her parents sold her to me."
"Whatt? How can someone be so cruel?"
"Her parents fault... They sold her to me so I have kept her as her parents stole 10 billion dollars from me and how sad they didn't return a penny back so they sold their daughter to me so yeah but why are u interested in jisoo."
"It's not like that I just feel bad for jisoo unnie is she going on trip with us?"
"Do u want her to go?"
Lisa excitedly nodded
Taehyung chuckled
"Ok then she is going."
"Yayyy am proud of u tae oppa and there will no one of my company except Seulgi unnie and now jisoo unnie so Yeahh it's good."
Taehyung knows that she will be left alone as her best friend rose is not coming but she is coming and that lisa doesn't know because rose is jimin's girlfriend and rose is jimin's girlfriend that also lisa doesn't know.
"Ok then lisa can I work now u can go back to ur room ok and if u need something then u can tell me and if am not there then u can ask to maids ok."
Lisa nodded and hugged taehyung and went out of his room
And saw jisoo coming upstairs
"Hey jisoo unnie."
"Hi Lisa what r u doing?"
"Nothing just bored because there's nothing to do in this whol big mansion oppa is always busy in his work and no one is there I think I should come late not today."
Both chuckles
"But jisoo unnie ur there so I am not bored anymore and yeah ur going to the trip."
"Yeah I know taehyung already told me."
"Yeah and if u don't mind can I ask u one thing?"
Jisoo nodded
"Do u like my tae oppa?"
She asked in such a excited mood like she is waiting to hear yes from jisoo's mouth
"Huh what unnie just answer to my question do u like tae oppa?"
Jisoo stopped for a moment and started thinking deeply she knows that she likes him a lot but she will not tell anyone about this because she knows that he doesn't like jisoo.
Lisa snapped in front of her face
"Hello unnie are u there?"
"Huh yeah what happened?"
"I was asking u something."
Then jisoo dragged lisa into her room and made her sit on her bed and she also sat on her bed and answered to her question
"See lisa first why are u asking me this question and second if I like him what will u do?"
"Unnie am not going to do anything and I am just asking because my oppa is really handsome many girls drool over him so yeah and I like u unnie so tell me naaaa do u like him?"
"No lisa I don't like him ok happy."
"What happy unnie am sad so is there anyone u like it liked?"
"No lisa there's nobody in my life I was single from my childhood."
"But can I ask u something lisa?"
"Yes unnie u can ask me anything."
This chapter is end
I hope u like it
Stay tuned for next chapter

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