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Jisoo fell upon taehyung they were so close both were staring into each other's eyes
Jisoo then came back to her senses and then she stood but again she slipped and fell on tae
Jisoo: i-i-i am sorry
Tae : now I have to go so instead of saying sorry just stand up and go
Jisoo felt sad but she ignored that and went downstairs
Both were having their breakfast then tae stood up and gone but before going jisoo asked him
Jisoo: uhmm tae can I go to meet my friendss pls
Tae got angry and he pulled jisoo closer to himself by pulling her purple t-shirt
Tae: listen miss don't ever think to escape from here or the consequences will be that much that u can't even imagine now GOO!!!
Tae shouted at jisoo and jisoo gone from there while crying
Taehyung also felt not right that he shouted at her and gone from there
~Time skip~
Tae was not happy that he shouted at her so he went to the club and started drinking then one girl came and sat on his lap and started seducing him
Tae also got attracted to her as her cleavage was exposing so he took her to his mansion and they did makeout
~Time skip to morning~
Jisoo wake up she was very sad that how cans he fall for a mafia king who would not care for her
"Jisoo ur so bad how can u fall for a person like him."
Then jisoo got ready and went downstairs and sat today she thought why taehyung is not here then she shrugged it off
The lora the maid came and said to jisoo
Lora: good morning jisoo
Jisoo: good morning lora*being sad*
Lora noticed that and asked her what happened??
Jisoo: nothing can u just serve the breakfa
Lora nodded and asked
Lora: can u just call taehyung sir as I am busy and the maids too plss
Jisoo doesn't wanted to go as she wants to keep distance from tae but lora is like her friend so she nodded
Then jisoo went upstairs and knocked the door three times then the girl wear tae's shirt and opened the door as taehyung was sleeping
When the girl opens the and jisoo was so shocked to see a girl in taehyung's room and wearing taehyung's shirt
The girl was non another than Sana
Sana made a disgusting face towards jisoo
Jisoo wants to cry right now but she controlled
Jisoo: uhmm I am s-sorry but I am h-here to call t-taehyung but who are you
Sana: see if u don't know then listen I am tae's girlfriend (she lied)
Jisoo was more shocked that if he has a girlfriend then why did he did with her
Sana: pls don't disturb us and tae too ok now go(said angrily)
Jisoo gone from there and gone to her room and started crying
Jisoo: I hateee him I hate him so much*sniff*
Then jisoo washed her face and gone downstairs
Taehyung's pov
I woke up and I saw the girl beside me which I brought yesterday to my mansion
I just shouted at her
Sana flinched and tried to calm him down but he was not so she was scared and wear her clothes and gone
Tae gets a bath and gets ready for his work

And went downstairs and saw jisoo sitting but she ignored him and made an irritated expression it was strange to me then taehyung ignored that and went for his work When tae entered his office or we can where they work as mafia's as they are So he...

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And went downstairs and saw jisoo sitting but she ignored him and made an irritated expression it was strange to me then taehyung ignored that and went for his work
When tae entered his office or we can where they work as mafia's as they are
So he sat on his chair then all the 6 boys came
Jimin: hey bro what's up
Tae: we are in office so u should call me sir
Jimin: yeah yeah
Tae: good*chuckled*
Then namjoon said btw everyone hereI want to tell u all something so me and Seulgi have decided that after our marriage we both and our friends will go to busan so am inviting u all to come okk
All boys were excited but taehyung said
Tae: but namjoon hyung what about our work
Namjoon: don't need to worry u have handled everything come on u all should have a break
All boys said unison yess except tae
Jungkook: come tae hyung u should also come u didn't attend joon hyung's atleast agree to what he say
Tae: so ur saying me I don't obey his command or don't listen to him
Jungkook simply said no
Tae got angry
Tae: u know what I just literally want to beat u
Suga: again started*rolled his eyes*
Namjoon: come on tae everyone is ready and yeah Seulgi is insisting so pls
Tae: ok ok am coming
Jungkook: ok hmm u should bring jisoo noona too right*winks at tae*
Namjoon: ohh yeah right I forgot about her Seulgi was saying that jisoo should also come so come with her ok and yeah kook I want to ask u why are calling jisoo, jisoo noona
Jungkook: ohh come hyung everyone knows that TAE AND JISOO HAS SOMETHING IN BETWEEN THEM RIGHT HYUNG
Jin: whatt is there really something
Jimin: why are U interested if so then they will take care of that huh why do u care
Jin: n-no just a-asking
Jimin little understood that Jin maybe likes somewhere jisoo
Tae: u know what just wait am going to kill u today
Then tae started chasing jungkook
Jin: ohh God these kids
All laughed
This chapter is over and pls everyone I will upload one part which is next after this must read that!

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