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Jisoo: m-me???k we
Lisa: yes unnie u- ................ I think let's all forget this thing and concentrate on our trip ok !!!
Jisoo nodded
Lisa: I think we should go and sleep as we have to wake up early tomorrow ok
Jisoo: yeah ur right we should be ok then bye lisa good night
Lisa: good night unnie sleep well
Jisoo: u too
Then both of them went upstairs and went to their respective rooms and slept and by the taehyung also came he ate his dinner went to sleep everyday and knows that they have a trip tomorrow they should not waste and sleep.
~Time skip to the next day~
Jisoo's pov
I woke up and got ready it's 5:45 am I got wake up early good then I have time because we have to leave at 7:00am. We'll go by car and in tae's car will be going lisa jungkook me tae and some of tae's friends as lisa told me.
My look and outfit:-

Jisoo was looking literally so beautiful and pretty Then she took the luggages out of her room but it was heavy so she can't take it downstairs so she went downstairs and saw taehyung and liskook

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Jisoo was looking literally so beautiful and pretty
Then she took the luggages out of her room but it was heavy so she can't take it downstairs so she went downstairs and saw taehyung and liskook

Jisoo was looking literally so beautiful and pretty Then she took the luggages out of her room but it was heavy so she can't take it downstairs so she went downstairs and saw taehyung and liskook

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