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All of them were shocked to see tzuyu and tzuyu too but jisoo was confused that why is everyone looking confused and tears were formed in tzuyu's eyes after she see tae
Tzuyu doesn't wants to stay there in front of everyone's eyes so she just said to jisoo
"A-ahh h-hmm i-i just w-want to tell y-you t-that u-ur bracelet was fell down so I j-just came to g-givevit back t-to u o-ohk."
Said tzuyu with tears in her eyes
"O-oh i didn't noticed that but thanks!!"
Said jisoo
"U-uhm I t-think I'll g-go now ok b-bye."
Said tzuyu
Then tzuyu ran away from there without looking at someone and ignoring mina's shouts as mina was following her and shouting to her to stop but tzuyu didn't listen to anyone
"U-uhm Lisa what happened to everyone?"
Said jisoo being confused
"A-ahh ahh it's nothing come it's already night let's just all go but jisoo unnie how do u know that girl who gave u that bracelet??"
Said lisa
"Ohh that girl she lives in the resort where we are staying so I just bumped to her yesterday in resort's corridor when I was going to jungkook's room asking for ur phone but w-why!"
Said jisoo
"Ohh it's nothing let's go!!"
All of them didn't uttered a word but just look at tae who was still looking at the direction in which tzuyu ran away
"T-tae hyung let's go!!"
Said jungkook
Said taehyung in cold or rude tone
All of them exits from the beach and reached to the resort
Tzuyu was crying while hugging her knees and mina was consoling her
"Ohh come one tzuyu why are u crying tell me naa and stop crying and see now u look like a child pls tell naa!!"
Said mina
"*Sniff* m-mina I know t-them and that was t-tae I missed him so much I just regret doing what I did in past I love him so much  I just don't k-know what to do now!!"
Said tzuyu while crying
"What are u trying to say tzuyu who is tae and how do u know them I just can't understand what ur saying??"
Said mina being confused
"I-i'll tell u, u noticed the boy in white shirt with pink outwear and jeans that is taehyung my ex!!"
Said tzuyu
"Whatt?? That was ur ex?? But u just said that u regret breaking up with him but why though??"
Said mina
"A-actually se both were in same college and we both became friends and he just proposed me to be his girlfriend and we dated for almost 2 years and I was so happy with this relationship and I loved him so much that I just want to get married but something odd happened that makes my life miserable!!"
Said tzuyu
"H-huh what happened??"
Said mina
"Actually that time my father has lost his job and our situation was so bad that my father's friend told him that we can get rid out of this situation and my father's friend will help but only in one condition that I have to marry my father's friend's son. I first fought with my parents but we had no choice but I have to marry his son so that day when I was going to tell that I can't be with him that day only he proposed to me I was literally the happiest person but at the same time I had no choice but  just to reject him but I didn't told him the reason why I leave him and just said that I don't think that there's a future so y-yeah!!"
"Whattttt so tzuyu are u married now??
Said mina
"No actually that boy whom I was going to get married was a liar cheater he was cheating on me with his girlfriend and didn't informed anyone about this not even his parents so I rejected that I don't want to get married but after a week my father got a heart attack and he left us my mother was in coma after his death and after 2 months she also left us me and my brother were alone so my relatives were there in us so we both shifted to US and continued our studies and I started doing there part time job and finally I came to Korea and a company offered me in their company's model so that's why I am here and am a model and my brother is in US and he is coming next week!!"
Mina also felt really sad to hear her best friend's past she sacrificed so much in her life
Then mina hugged tzuyu to console her and said to tzuyu
"Tzuyu ahh ur a strong girl first stop crying and now u have an option that u can go to taehyung again!!"
Said mina
"H-huh h-how??"
Said tzuyu
"Ohh tzuyu ahh u can tell taehyung everything about what happened and why u left him and am sure that he loves u too so he will obviously understand u and can come back to u!!"
"Y-yeah but what if he liked now someone else because I rejected him and I don't think he have feelings for me now!!"
Said tzuyu
"Come on tzuyu how do u know that think positive tzuyu ur my best friend I'll help to patch up with him again do u still love him??"
Said mina
"Y-yeah I do love him!!"
Said tzuyu
"Perfect!! Then u go and talk to him and u can get him back into ur life!!"
Said mina
"Yeah ur right mina but what if he understands me but he didn't loves me now then what am I gonna do??"
Said tzuyu
"Maybe he can but not more than u tzuyu because as u said that u both loved each other so much!!"
Said mina
"Mina he can move on from me because I rejected him!!"
Said tzuyu
"Tell me one thing is he married now or is he in a relationship??"
Said mina
"I don't know!!"
Said tzuyu
"So first try to find out just talk to his friends or family and finds out that if he is married or in a relationship or not if he is then u don't have a chance but not then u can talk to him and sure he likes u too!!"
Said mina
"Are u sure mina??"
Said tzuyu
"Yess tzuyu ok!!"
Said mina
Tzuyu didn't said anything but nodded because tzuyu also feels right because tzuyu loves him so much now also and obviously she wants him back into her life so she'll ask his friends or family
"Thanks minaa!!"
Said tzuyu
"Hehe, ur wlcm tzuyu ahh!!"
Said mina
Both hugged each other and slept!!
I hope u like this part!
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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