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Then jisoo and taehyung were seating in the car and the ride was silent no one speak in so taehyung was time to time glancing at jisoo.
As where jisoo was seating the mirror was open so the wind was passing through her and her hair were all moving due to the air. Then jisoo was enjoying that peace which rarely has in her life and she closed her eyes and all the flashback memories were flashed in her mind with her friends when they were kids. Then she opened her eyes and suddenly taehyung stopped the car she looked towards him and saw him getting out of the car and she saw him vomiting. She was shocked that what happened to him so she opened her car door and ran to him as she was worried for him.
Jisoo: hey hey what happened to you
Taehyung didn't answered then jisoo gave him a bottle of water and he dranked it.
And she was caring for him when he was drinking the water she was rubbing his back with her hand to feel him better and asking what happened to him and is he okay now. She was caring for him like a wife. Taehyung also observed that and he remebered his those moments when tzuyu also cared for him like jisoo is doing now.
Jisoo: I think ur not well let me check if u have fever or what
Then she touched her soft hand on his forehead and his forehead was hot.
Jisoo: maybe yeah ur having fever I think u should not go to the club I'll call lisa and tell that ur not coming ok
Tae: what about you?
Jisoo: u don't need to worry about me there's no one to care about you so I'll stay with u. I think ur not be able to drive so I'll drive the car u sit
Tae: u know how to drive?
Jisoo nodded
Tae: wow*mumble to himself*
Jisoo: did u said something???
Tae: ahh n-no
Jisoo nodded then vsoo sat in the car and jisoo sat in driver seat and taehyung sat beside her
Jisoo took a u turn and drove towards taehyung's mansion.
Jisoo: If u don't mind can I ask u something?
Taehyung nodded
Jisoo: what did u eat that u had vomiting?
Tae: I don't know
Jisoo: huh?
Tae sighs and answered her question
Tae: I ate a stall's food in lunch maybe that didn't digest to me that's why nothing else
Jisoo: but u have fever!
Tae: hmm
Vsoo then reached taehyung's mansion and jisoo and taehyung both went out of the car after parking it and vsoo entered in the mansion's hall.
Jisoo: u sit here and I'll ask the maids where are the medicines
Taehyung didn't uttered a word and went to his room. Jisoo then goes to the maids room and asks them where the medicines are?
Then the maids told her where the medicines are then she take a glass of water and medicine for taehyung and went straight to his room.
And knocks at his room
Taehyung knows it was jisoo so he said yes come in
Then she came and saw taehyung was seated on his bed covered with blanket.
She came to him and handles over him the medicine
Jisoo and a glass of water
Jisoo:  eat it and give me the glass then
Taehyung does what she says and handled over  the glass to her
Jisoo: aren't u gonna change ur outfit into comfortable once
Tae: uhm my clothes are in my closet room but I don't want to go there
Jisoo: huh I can go there and bring some clothes for u
Tae: huh? N-no need u also go and sleep
Jisoo: no tell me where is the closet room
Tae: there
Jisoo nodded and went to his closet room and bring a lose t-shirt and pyjama for him
Jisoo: ok go now and wear this and I'll call and inform lisa
Taehyung nodded
Taehyung thought: it's my first time listening to a stranger girl
At the other side
Lisa and jungkook was in the car and their ride was also silent
Lisa: uhmm when will we reach the club??
Jungkook: we'll reach in sometime
Lisa nodded
Jungkook: so uhmm as ur tae hyung's sister so u must knowing more about him right??
Lisa nodded
Jungkook: so uhhmm do u know that if tae Hyung has made a girlfriend now or is he having any girl in his mind
Lisa: u know what I also want to know but I don't know about it yet but the girl who nowadays closer to tae oppa and maybe she can be in his mind is only jisoo unnie
Jungkook: ohh Yeahh but how she is his hostage how can they be a couple?
Lisa: huh wdym meant by that they make a nice couple but I don't know if tae oppa still have some feelings for tzuyu unnie or what!!
Jungkook nodded
Jungkook: uhhmm can I ask u something??
Lisa: yeah ofc
Jungkook: have u made any boyfriend in London or here??
Lisa didn't answered his this question but just stared at him because the only person she loves and wants to date is in front of him.
Jungkook: uhhmm if u don't want to answer it's alright
Lisa: huh ahh no no actually yeah I like a person but I don't date anyone
Jungkook felt a little sad because he likes lisa but if lisa likes someone else
Jungkook: ohh who is he???
Lisa: uhm I don't if I am saying it in a right time but jungkook it'
Jungkook was just shocked to hear that from her mouth
Jungkook: h-huh whatt are u serious?
Lisa: huumm actually ur right am serious I like u from the start even though I don't know if u like me or not but I was waiting for the right to tell but at the same time I was tensed about tae oppa but I don't know because more than my best friend in London was bambam he like me but I said that I like someone else I just wanted to tell u my feelings it's okay if u don't like me-
Before she said further jungkook stopped the car and kissed her
She was shocked and widened her eyes but after sometime she also kissed him back
Both were kissing each other with love it was such a long deep passionate kiss
After sometime they broke their kiss and jungkook stared at her and lisa too stared at him but was looking down because she blushing a lot.
Jungkook: No lisa I really liked u from the start when we used to play together I used to like u and time and time my feelings for u grew more and more I really love to spend time with u but when u said that u wanted to study abroad I was happy for u but at the same time I was sad because u were going far from me and after that I decided that when u'll came I'll tell u about my feelings and when u came after so many years after seeing u I didn't have the courage to tell u about my feelings and sorry that I was late but lisa I really like u so will u be my girlfriend?
Jungkook was excepting her to say yes so he closed his eyes and was expecting to hear yes but lisa pecked him on his lips. Jungkook opened his eyes
Lisa: yes pabo I like u too and I would love to be your girlfriend
Jungkook was really happy to hear that so he hugged her
Jungkook: thank u Lisaa love u
Lisa chuckled
Lisa: but we'll not tell anyone about our relationship not even oppa
Jungkook nodded
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