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Then taehyung went to his room and lisa came back to the room. And jungkook also came out
Jungkook: uhhmm where do I put these clothes
Lisa: uhhmm I think u should give it to me I'll put it in my room and tomorrow morning I'll give it to u ok
Jungkook: ok then
Then jungkook handed his clothes to Lisa's hand
Jungkook: ok then where do I sleep
Lisa: come with me
Jungkook nodded
Then lisa made him lead to the guest's room 
Lisa: here you'll sleep here
Jungkook: it's quite a big room
Lisa nodded
Jungkook: ok then it's late at night I think u should go and sleep
Lisa: yeah ok then bye jungkook good night
Then lisa made a turn going towards her room but jungkook pulled her and turned her towards him facing face to face by her arm
And gave a peck on her lips.
Lisa: huh what was that for?
Jungkook: good night peck! *Laughs*
Lisa: ohh god jungkook now sleep or oppa will come again
Jungkook: hyung again means??
Lisa: actually when u were changing ur clothes he approached me and asked if there is something going between us!!
Jungkook: us??
Lisa nodded
Jungkook: I think he is suspicious of our relationship
Lisa: but I did not tell him anything about our relationship
Jungkook: ok then lisa I think u should also go ok
Lisa nodded
Lisa: bye good night jungkook
Jungkook: good night babe
Lisa smiled and went from there
~Time skip to the next day~
Jisoo's pov
I woke up but seriously I don't want to live in this mansion. I think I should run away from this mansion but what if he finds out and kills me no no no but what i don't want to be here but argh stop thinking all the time jisoo. I went and freshened up myself and bathed
My outfit and look:-

I went downstairs and saw no one I went to the kitchen and asked the maids to serve the breakfast to me I was sitting on the dining table and eating my breakfast

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I went downstairs and saw no one I went to the kitchen and asked the maids to serve the breakfast to me I was sitting on the dining table and eating my breakfast. Then that devil I mean tae came

He was looking Handsome no no no only good in long Black coat and outfit

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He was looking Handsome no no no only good in long Black coat and outfit.
He looked at me and ignored and acting as if I doesn't exists.
He sat in front of me at the dining table and ordered the maids to serve him his breakfast. It was all as everyday happens he ignored but why am I always thinking about him but yeah I should ask him how's is he feeling? Right not because that he is but if anybody was in his place I would ask them because I don't treat people as tae treat them.
Jisoo: uhm taehyung how are u-u feeling now?
Tae: fine*without looking at her*
Jisoo: good to hear
Tae didn't answer and just continued eating his breakfast. Jisoo felt a little sad but she shrugged it off.
After that when vsoo was seated and then liskook came downstairs and saw us
Lisa: hey oppa and jisoo unnie good morning
Jungkook: good morning hyung,gm noona
Jisoo: gm lisa and jungkook
Tae: gm lisa and jungkook come sit the Brealfast will be served to u guys
Liskook nodded and sat at the dining table.
Lisa: am really excited for the trip!! Unnie ur also right?
Jisoo: huh!!! Ahh o-ok
Jungkook: I think hyung I should go home now
Lisa: no I told u guys that u can wear Oppa's outfit now then u both can go together to ur office.
Jungkook: ohhkk
Then taehyung and jungkook both to the taehyung's closet room and jungkook changed his outfit and both came downstairs
Tae: ok bye lisa
Lisa: bye oppa and jungkook
Jungkook: bye ba- ohh sorry lisa and jisoo noona
Jisoo: bye j-jungkook
Tae just rolled his eyes and went from there and both tae kook went out of the mansion and went towards their respective cars and droves to their office.
Lisa: unnie have u done packing??
Jisoo: uhm actually it's half done
Lisa: come come let's pack our bags together I'll bring my luggage to ur room ok
Jisoo nodded
Then both went upstairs and pack their bags in jisoo's room and all their makeup set and all stuff they have packed
Lisa: unnie do u have make-up kit of urs??
Jisoo: no
Lisa: I have many I can make a set and give it to u
Jisoo: aree no need I don't need makeup
Lisa: unnie come Naa u need makeup I know u look so beautiful without makeup but if we had to go to any party or functions then what that's why keep it with u forever
Jisoo: but then what about u?
Lisa: I said na I have many I can take any of them with me
Jisoo nodded
Then both were done packing their luggage, and all their other stuffs it was almost 8:00pm
Lisa: It's already night and tomorrow we have to get up at 6:00 am in morning so I think we should sleep early right??
Jisoo nodded
Jisoo: come let's have dinner.
Lisa nodded
Broh went to the dining table and started eating and started talking
Lisa: uhhmm unnie do u have any friends outside
Jisoo: uhm yeah I have but only three and those three are so close to me and my heart ❤️ like they are the only people who are always worried about me who always took care of me our bond was so strong we were like sisters especially Jennie my jendukie I love her so much*crying* and i-i think she m-miss m-me a lot and I don't what will be happening to her*sniff*
Lisa: shh shh unnie I know how the pain would now ur suffering I feel so bad I know all ur story that ur tae Oppa's hostage but unnie he's really a nice boy even if he doesn't love the outside world but he loves his  family and friends a lot like alot and the person the girl I am telling tzuyu unnie he loves her a lot like more than himself le loves her. And like he was planning to get married to her after their graduation and all but u know she just told him to break up with her and at that moment his heart broke into  million pieces we all me jungkook and many of his friends tried to console and make him understand that he should move on... But he was not ready to do that he like now doesn't want to love but loves to play with girls he was not like that but I don't know ur the girl maybe who can change him.
Jisoo: m-me???
Sorry for the delay!
I hope u like it!
Stay tuned for the next chapters!

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