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Lisa then ran to jisoo and saw her sitting and crying on her bed
Lisa: unnie
Jisoo then quickly wiped her tears
Jisoo: yes lisa
Lisa: no need to hide from me I know u were crying and am sorry from tae oppa u know he always gets angry on everyone
Jisoo nodded
Lisa: unnie u know I don't have any real sister and I treat u like my unnie and u know I can't see my loved ones at a sad moment or crying ok so pls stop crying
Jisoo chuckled
Jisoo: u know I also don't have any sister but I will treat u like my younger sister ok
Lisa nodded happily like a child
Jisoo again chuckled at her cuteness
Lisa: now unnie stop crying and fash ur face and if u want to do makeup again u can hehe
Jisoo: ahh yes yes u go I'll just come in 3 mnts
Lisa nodded
Then jisoo came
Lisa: unnie looking really pretty
Jisoo: ok ok now let's go or we'll be late
Lisa nodded
Then both the girls went for their shopping and unknowingly taehyung was also listening to them and watched them going
At lisoo side
Lisa: unnie let's go here at this shop the dress will be nice right
Jisoo nodded
Then both the girls try many dresses outfits for them and to wear them at their trip
Jisoo: come it's already dark let's just go and eat something and go or otherwise ur brother will kill me
Lisa laughed
Lisa: ok ok come let's go
Then both the girls went to a restaurant and sat their
Lisa: ok uhmm unnie what do u want
Jisoo: u can order what u want I'll eat that only
Lisa: ohh come unnie tell na
Jisoo: uhh ok fine can u order Korean fried chicken and rice
Lisa nodded and placed the order
Lisa: do u like chicken
Jisoo: I love chicken
After their conversation their order comes

Lisa then ran to jisoo and saw her sitting and crying on her bedLisa: unnieJisoo then quickly wiped her tears Jisoo: yes lisa Lisa: no need to hide from me I know u were crying and am sorry from tae oppa u know he always gets angry on everyoneJiso...

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Jisoo was very happy to see her favourite dishes in front of her
Lisa felt also very happy to see jisoo
Lisa: come let's eat
Jisoo nodded
Both started eating and enjoying their food and talking
Jisoo: lisa it's quite late ur oppa didn't call u
Lisa: yeah
And suddenly Lisa's phone started ringing
Lisa: haha see we were talking about him and he called me now only
Then lisa picked up the call
Hello oppa

Lisa what r u both doing come it's quite late

Oppa me and jisoo unnie are in restaurant we are eating dinner and then we'll come ok

Ok but come fast it's not safe first u two girls are alone and second when I was telling u to take my car a driver u said no and third u are late also

Sorry oppa we're just coming ok so no need to worry

Why I should not worry if u both are alone Lisa listen come fast or I'll come there

No no oppa u don't need to worry but wait are u really worrying about me or jisoo unnie*whispered*

Lisa shut up and come fast okk!

Ok ok fine oppa bye*laughs*
*Call ended*
Jisoo: what was he saying?
Lisa: haha nothing he's just telling to come fast as it's late and it's already dark so as we are alone so we have to come fast
Jisoo nodded
Both finish eating their food payed and gone from that restaurant
As taehyung's mansion was was quite near so they decided to walk and reaches their while talking
Then the street was all silent means no one was there in that street where lisa and jisoo were going.
Lisa: unnie u tell about urself what do u do if u weren't my oppa 's hostage
Jisoo: I was studying in University and from starting my parents doesn't like me I don't why I was their only child but I loved them and respect them but now I can't even imagine that my parents sold to me to a mafia like how can they do that for money!*started crying*
Lisa: shhh shhh shhh unnie don't cry so there was nobody u loved u and cared about u
Jisoo:no no no *sniff* there were my friends my besties *sniff* who cared me like their own sister and I miss them a lot*sniff*
Lisa: unnie I know from what ur going today but the way u see tae oppa he'll totally the opposite of that with me with his friends his siblings but he is very cruel and strict for his work
Jisoo: but why did he joined mafia?
Lisa: u don't know I have told u earlier that after his break up incident he was totally broke up and he started drinking and all that and he doesn't spend time with us then used to stay with some bad boys and they teach him how to use guns and all stuff and slowly slowly he became a mafia king of korea and today he's a mafia but for his family and friends he's kind sweet but not that tae oppa which I known 2 years ago.
Then lisoo were going and talking about their lives and suddenly they saw some men drinking and they were just in front of them
Jisoo: lisa I think this way is not safe let's just go from here
Lisa: why unnie why suddenly?
Jisoo: lisa am saying let's just go from here
Lisa: but there's no way unnie if go back then it may take us more time so let's just go
Jisoo can't do anything and goes with lisa
Then those men saw lisoo
Men 2: ohh ohh see see how hot and beautiful are those girls
Men 1: yeah ur saying right why don't we have them tonight
All the 5 men nodded and goes to lisoo
Men 4: hey sexy(telling jisoo)*while touching her hands*
Jisoo: h-hey leave me
Men 5: hey beautiful girl
Lisa became angry
Lisa: just shut up now u don't know my brother he can kill u all!
Men 3: ohh see this girl's attitude and so scared but now ur brother is not here and now ur under my control babygirl
Lisa became more angry
The she take out her phone from her handbag and was about to call taehyung but of those men throwed her phone
Then a man slapped lisa
Jisoo: heyy! *Slapped back again*
Then those boys started touching them forcefully and lisoo were trying to run but they and shouting for help
Then a boy in a car was passing by that street but he heard some shouting noises
He got down from his car and saw some men are doing unnecessary things to two girls
"Wait is that what Lisa ? And jisoo!
I need to tell this to tae hyung."
Then he called taehyung
Hello tae hyung

Jungkook? Why did u called me right now?

Hyung there's a problem some men are with lisa and jisoo and they are shouting for help u quickly come

Whattt where tell me?

U know xxxxx restaurant so come a little far then u can see a garage type come there fast fast

Ok am coming u go to them till then I'll come

Ok hyung
*Call ended*

Then jungkook ran to them and said
Jungkook: Heyyy! Leave them
Jisoo and lisa: jungkook?
{Lisa has a crush on jungkook since childhood both were really good friends and jungkook too likes lisa but both still are friends didn't confessed to each other}
Men2: hey mister whoever u r just get out of here this is our place and these are our girls so u don't need to interrupt in between
Jungkook:*smirks* huh u don't know me fine then I'll show u am I
Then jungkook a hard punch on that man's face and he fell down
Then the other four men started fighting with jungkook
As jungkook was a very dangerous mafia he was also a trained fighter so he knows how to deal with these men
Lisa and jisoo were shocked to see jungkook fighting really good he didn't let any scratch on his face
And till that moment taehyung came there he got down form his car and ran to them
One men was beating jungkook with a rod behind him but taehyung came and beated him
Jisoo: taehyung
Lisa: oppaaa
Taehyung: u both u go there we are coming just go go
Lisa and jisoo nodded and goes to taekook's cars
End of this chapter
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