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Then vsoo also leaves following the other four cars
All the ride was silent no one spoke among jisoo and tae then taehyung played a song named collide in the car
When that line came
"I know u think that u know me, but u ain't even seen by dark side, this is for you only so baby do it right, do me right, we can go all the time, we move can fast then rewind, when u put your body on mine and collide, collide. It could be one of those nights, where we don't turn off the light,wanna see your body on mine and collide, collide.
When these verses of the song was going jisoo looked at tae and looked away. Tae also know that jisoo looked at him but he didn't looked at her. All the ride was silent then suddenly jimin's phone came to tae. So tae picked up the call
Tae: hello
Jimin: hey bro I just to tell u that all noonas are hungry so they want to eat so there's a restaurant we all can go there what's say and can u give ur phone to jisoo too
Tae: huh why her???
Jimin: ohh come on tae don't be so overdramatic just give her the phone
The tae beings annoyed without responding gave the phone to her
Jisoo: huh what happened
Tae: don't talk to me just talk to the person in call
Jisoo take the phone from his hand and answered
Jisoo: hello???
Jimin: hey jisoo I want to ask u that rose lisa and noonas are hungry so there's a restaurant in the way just few minutes away only so are ok with that if ur also hungry then u can also eat ok
Jisoo: o-ok a-as u-u all w-wish
Jimin: ok then good tae knows where we all stop so let's all meet there ok
Jisoo: ok
Jimin: ok then bye
Jisoo: bye
*Call ended*
Jisoo then handed his phone to him
Tae: what was he saying to u???
Jisoo: nothing he just said that if we also wants to eat then we can top in the restaurant where they'll all stop
Tae: so are u hungry
Jisoo: y-yeah
Tae didn't said anything and all of them reached at the restaurant and the last one was jisoo and tae
Then all of them came out of the car
Jhope: ok so u girls were saying that ur hungry now let's go or u'll eat out brains now
Momo: just shut up u know he's so annoying
Jimin: give me high five noona*made a high five with momo and laughed* ur really correct
Jhope: u just wait mochi I'll teach u a lesson
Jin: ohh my god they are like these only now as they used to be in their childhood
Rm: *laughed* ur correct Jin
Suga: guys am hungry can't we just go or we all going to stand here and talk
Jungkook: finally our rock hyung spoke something*laughs*
Suga: u just wait bunny I'll see u in Busan
Jungkook: why Busan hyung u can see me now see see
Suga: ohh god I don't want to argue with u so let's go
Then all go inside the restaurant and order a big table and sat there together
Jhope: so tell what should we order??
Momo: uhmm u guys tell na uhmm lisa u tell what do u want
Lisa: uhmm I want chicken and rice as I jisoo unnie also likes it so I like it too yes unnie??
Jisoo: huh??? Y-yeah
Tae: don't waste time and tell if u want or not
Lisa: *whispers* oppa don't yell at her
Tae just ignored and rolled his eyes
Jhope: ok then lisa jisoo u guys have ordered chicken and rice and u babe and ahh why no one is asking to our ideal couple
Jungkook and jimin: ohhhh yeahhh come on come on come on tell us now what do u both want
Jungkook: hyung tell what u want
Rm: ahh hmm I don't want anything to eat just order anything for seulgi do u want anything babe??
Seulgi: hmm I want soy sauce rice and eggs
Jungkook: ok then now momo noona and Irene noona u also tell
*Time skip to after 30 mints*
All their orders came and they started eating and chit chatting but jisoo was feeling cornered and just feeling so sad as she misses her friends who always used to spend time with her love her support her
Jimin: ok so let's go then I'll pay the for the bill
Jin: no no u wait I will
Rm: ohh guys just shut up ur coming for my trip so it's obviously my duty
Jungkook: wait wait we can give half half for the bill that will be fair right
Suga: yeahh
Tae: let's go then
Then all of them sat in their respective cars and went to busan
*Time skip in busan*
It was 5:00 pm
They were all in resort booking for their rooms
Seulgi and rm was in one room
Jhope and momo was in one room
Irene and Jin was in one room
Suga and nayeon was in one room
Jimin and rose was in one room
Lisa: so all the couples booked their room now who am I gonna share the room with ohhh yeah unnie jisoo unnie we both will share the room
Jungkook: ok then me and tae hyung will share the room
Tae: ok
Seulgi: perfect then hmm pls take our lugges to our rooms *said to manager*
Manager nodded
Then all of them exitedly goes towards their rooms
All of their rooms were in one floor only
Some were beside the other rooms and some were in front of other rooms
All of them were tired so they went to their respective rooms and went for a nap or for relaxing or for resting
Lisa changed her clothes and Jisoo also changed her clothes into comfort cloths
Lisa and jisoo were laying on the bed and talking
Lisa: unnie don't feel cornered just try to be Frank with everyone seulgi unnie momo unnie Irene unnie nayeon unnie and rose all are very kind and good they can be your friends u should talk to them ok
Jisoo gave a warm smile to her and said
Jisoo: yeah Lisa I'll obviously try to but I don't know I just like feels sometimes sad because this is ur friends group right u all are enjoying so I also got to remember my friends group *in an urge of crying* so yeah I just feel that
Lisa concoled jisoo as she also knows that because of her tae oppa jisoo was in this state now but unfortunately Lisa can't do anything
Lisa: don't be sad unnie I promise u'll definitely gonna enjoy this trip if u don't then I'll definitely gonna try to make u happy and smile because u know when u smiles u look even prettier
Jisoo smiled
Jisoo: u know I doesn't have any real siblings but when I am with u I just feel that ur my Lil sister
Lisa: hehe ofc unnie I am like ur Lil sister
Jisoo: hmm I'll just go outside and relax are u coming with me
Lisa: sorry unnie actually am tired right now so I can go and chill and I'll take a short nap
Jisoo nodded and went outside to her room's balcony and sat on the egg chair also known as swing chair
She was just closing her eyes and relaxing
I am really sorry actually my exams were going on so I couldn't post the other parts now my exams are over😊🎉
So I'll be posting the parts from now on
Here's the new part
I hope u like this part
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Stay tuned for the next part

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