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୨⎯ Chapter Two ⎯୧

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Su-ho dodged every punch and kick. The baseball player was about to throw the bat at Su-ho, but he quickly dodged. It landed it by Ju-won's feet, as it made a loud echoing noise. Ju-won glanced down towards the bat, then at the baseball player, ready to get a piece of his mind.

"Now, you crossed the line." As Su-ho was about to step forward, Ju-won already beat him to it. Ju-won raced forward, punching him between his eyes, and Knocking him out cold. The boys in the classroom had a  surprised look written all over their faces. As for Su-ho, he looked at her in admiration.

"What?" Ju-won mumbled, glancing at her classmates. "Can't a girl take care of herself?"

"You did a good job." Su-ho patted Ju-won's shoulder, then looked at the unconscious boy on the floor. "Take him to the nurses office. You're dead meat if our names come out of your mouth."

The baseball players dragged the unconscious boy away, and glanced down at Si-eun who was already looking at him, an annoyed expression all over his face. Su-ho followed Si-eun's gaze onto the floor, realizing his pencil case was on the floor. "oh, did I do that?" Su-ho bend down to put the pencils back into the case, and placing it on top of his desk.

"Why would you fight in a classroom?" Si-eun placed the air pod back into his ear, and turned around into his seat.

"That was cool." Su-ho extended his hand out towards Ju-won. "Lets be friends."

"In your dreams." Ju-won hummed, walking back to her seat leaving a stunned Su-ho. He had never gotten rejected by a girl before, now he's going to keep trying.

After what seemed like forever, the day has finally come to an end. Ju-won's ears filled with music, and she became  nervous when she came face to face with her apartment door. At this point, Ju-won didn't know what she will come face to face when she walked through the door. If Yeong-bin had told her father already that she was late again, he would get angry. Ju-won's father, Sang-woo, would often get mad at her when she gets a bad grade, or if she's late.

Ju-won was right when she opened the door, and the apartment reeked with alcohol and cigarette smoke. When she walked in, she noticed  it was kinda dark, as the only light was on was the light on the coffee table in the living room.

"Dad?" Ju-won called out. When she didn't get a reply, her heart seemed to skip, and adrenaline filled her body. She walked over by the couch, she saw her dad passed out, and a vodka bottle laying on the floor.

"Fucking hell." Ju-won pinched her nose together, as she got closer, and the alcohol smell was stronger. Ju-won picked her dad up, and managed to stand him on his feet, and dragged him over to his room. After Ju-won plopped him down onto his bed, she closed his bedroom door quietly. Ju-won's father hadn't always been like this. Her mom had passed away from a heart attack when she was young. That took a toll on her father, and became an alcoholic. He would drink up to the point where he blacks out, and doesn't remember anything.

Ju-won looked in the fridge, and sighed in defeat when there wasn't any food due to not going food shopping yet. So, instead, she had ordered some take out food.

Ju-won impatiently waited for her food to arrive. Every second she was getting hungrier, and her stomach was growling. Her heart seemed to skip at the sound of knocking, and she raced over to the door. "who is it?!"

"It's delivery!" The voice called back, muffling.

Ju-won soon relaxed, and opened the door. "Thank-" she stopped in mid sentence, and became face to face with Ahn Su-ho.

"This is for apartment-" Su-ho began to read the receipt on the bag, but stopped when he looked up, and noticed it was Kwon Ju-won looking back at him.

"Oh!" Su-ho exclaimed. "It's mighty girl! I didn't know you live here."  Ju-won only nodded. She wasn't that fond of making conversations, especially with the boy she didn't like.

"Here's your food." Su-ho was brought back to reality, now realizing why he was there after staring at her for a few moments. Without saying a word, she gladly took the food. She was about to close the door, but stopped when Su-ho stepped forward.

"Do you have any water? I'm dying of thirst." Su-ho licked his chapped lips.

"No." Ju-won simply answered, with no emotion, and Su-ho face dropped. "Oh... Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

As Su-ho turned around to walk away, Ju-won didn't know why, but she felt bad. Without thinking, she stepped forward, "Su-ho. Just come inside and drink some water."

"Daebak!" Su-ho cheered, coming inside. As Ju-won was about to help him with a glass of water, he helped himself. Su-ho opened the fridge, grabbing a water bottle, and chugged it like it was the end of the world.

Ju-won gaped her mouth open, as she watched the whole thing.

"You-" Ju-won was about to curse him out, but he patted her shoulder and walked over to the sofa. "I just got onto my lunch break. What's their to watch?" Su-ho rudely placed himself on the sofa as he stretched his legs out onto the table.

"What-" Ju-won looked around confused, and her eyes back onto Su-ho. "If my dad wakes up and sees you here, he'll kill me! Please leave." Ju-won said coldly.

"Oh, come on." Su-ho patted the seat next to him, as his lips curled up to a smirk. "Live a little. Why do you always have to be so cold hearted?"

"Because I don't really like you that much." Ju-won simply said, as Su-ho's stupid smirk faded off his face. "Now, please leave while I ask nicely."

It was silent between them until Su-ho smiled cheekily towards the girl, and continued. "If you didn't like me, you wouldn't be so kind and offer me some water. Am I right?"

Ju-won mentally facepalmed at his answer knowing he was right.

"Now." Su-ho patted the seat next to him again. "Please, sit. The spot next to me is lonely."

Ju-won glanced towards her father's bedroom way, then back at Su-ho. "Whatever." Ju-won mumbled, as she took a seat next to Su-ho, but far away as possible.

"Where are your parents?" Su-ho wondered out loud, realizing they were the only two in the room.

Ju-won sighed, "I don't have a mom, and my dad is passed out drunk in his room." Ju-won answered with no emotion. Su-ho glanced down towards his feet, and now noticing there was an empty vodka bottle laying down on the floor. "Oh." Su-ho said quietly.

"Wanna do something fun?" Su-ho blurted out, noticing the girls gloomy expression on her face.

"Aren't you working?" Ju-won arched an eyebrow.

"I still have half an hour." Su-ho grinned.  "I can manage."

Ju-won glanced down towards her outfit as she realized she didn't change out of her school uniform, then glanced back up at Su-ho.

"Can I change first?"

"Can I change first?"

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𝗥𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗖 𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗖𝗜𝗗𝗘,      ahn suho Where stories live. Discover now