D1: 8 Years Later and Ben's Proclamation

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8 Years later

Narrator of Izuku

It has been officially eight years since I left Auradon. Now, I stayed on the Isle with my dad.

I learned a few tricks from the VKs and when I speak I'm talking about the ones I met before. They taught me how to... well how they Rotten to the Core.

I basically learned about the whole gang and how they roll.

Jay is the Son of Jafar or as I like to call him Snake Face. He was the muscle of the group  and always being flirty with girls. He's good at stealing things and taught me how to do it well. However, he's not very good at the whole friendship thing or other emotions.

Carlos is the son of Cruella De Vil, the woman who wears dog fur. Carlos was like a bully target for people and it pissed me off. He was more of a tech person than an athletic one. He knew fashion because of his mother's taste. I really didn't like that woman. She is always treating Carlos like a personal servant and it makes me sick. Also his mother is always telling Carlos, dogs are killers and very vicious. I tried to tell him about it but his mother would put ideas in his head like "you can't trust that Auradon child" or other things.

Evie is the daughter of the Evil Queen, she has always been the one with fashion. She's smart, beautiful and cheerful which makes me laugh but she is known to be a flirt around guys and it makes me pissed off. Um, anyway her mother is always trying to make her perfect and talk about how beauty matters but not the inner kind. Her mother is always Evie to find a prince but she doesn't need to do that. She also has to play dumb for guys says her mother but that woman is full of shit.

And lastly, there's Mal, the daughter of Maleficent. She was straight up bad to the bone but sometimes too much to handle. She's very funny, mysterious and petty. She told me the truth about Hades being her father. Evie is the only one who knows about Hades being her father. She never likes to talk about her dad because he left when she was a baby or that's what she thought.

I found it shocking and hilarious because my dad had a child with my mother's enemy. To be honest, I think my dad's about to experience something more than hell itself and that's my mother.

The one goal that my friends had was to make their parents proud but it's literally impossible.

As for me, I don't care about ruling the world and I wouldn't care about my father's happiness. I would rather live my life like anyone else. I did some errands for my dad and exchanged for Rock 'n' Roll lessons. His minions, Pain and Panic were a couple of goof balls but they were always cool to have around. I usually do my dad's errands alone but sometimes my dad's minions whenever.

As for school I didn't really go, they don't want an Auradon kid at their school plus my mother gave me books to learn a thing or two. I have been keeping in shape and learning how to fight. I really didn't spend my money that much, I just stole things here and there but I got bored of it because it became easy.

The Isle of the Lost wasn't a great place to live but it was home for me and so was Auradon but I couldn't be at both places. That's what I understand about this place, the kids should be given a chance to live in Auradon.

I just hope my best friend and sister can do some convincing.

Auradon: Beast's Castle

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