D1: Helping Carlos, Talk with Evie and Magic Class

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Tourney Field

Izuku's Pov.

After I left my class early, I went down to the field to help Carlos with his running along with Ben.

Carlos crouches to get ready for running. We started off with his sprints.

Ben: Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints.

Izuku: You ready, Carlos?

He nodded and I nodded back. Ben started the timer and then I heard screams and barking. When I turned to see Carlos, he was running but he was running from the dog, Dude.

The campus mutt Ben told me about. My eyes widened to see this but Ben wasn't focused on what was in front of him.

Izuku: Carlos, wait!

I ran after him and felt no sweat. I guess I must have unlimited stamina. It could be a godly power. I kept up with Carlos and Dude. I saw Carlos go up the tree while the dog was barking at him.

Izuku: Carlos! It's okay. There's no need to be afraid.

Carlos: Izuku! Please help me! This thing is a killer!

Izuku: Carlos, it's not gonna kill you.

Ben yelled: Carlos! Izuku!

We heard his voice and I called him over.

Izuku: Over here, Ben!

I picked Dude up while he was barking at Carlos. Ben found us and had to ask.

Ben: Izuku? Why is Carlos up a tree and-

Then he saw Dude in Izuku's arms and put two in two together.

Ben: Ohhhh right.

Izuku: Like I said, we had it rough.

Ben: Did you make a joke?

Izuku: No, but anyway Carlos, Dude is not a bad dog.

Carlos: Yes it is! He's gonna rip off my throat! He's a vicious rapid killer!

Izuku sighed and shook my head.

Izuku: Carlos, I think it's time you met Dude.

Ben chimed in to help me.

Ben: Dude meet Carlos. Dude here is the campus mutt.

Carlos felt a little calm and got down from the tree slowly.

Carlos: He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal. (He patted the dog) Jeez. You're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy.

I handed him the dog and he smiled at him. Ben and I were glad to see him conquer his fear.

Izuku: See? I told you that dogs weren't bad, they're a man's best friend.

Carlos (smiled): Yeah... Um, sorry for not believing you, Izuku. I should have just believed you instead of my mom but I didn't.

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