D1: A Love Spell, Tourney Game

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Lunch Table

3rd Pov.

Izuku was done with Magic Class and went to take a break. He didn't like doing someone's homework especially Chad's but he wasn't gonna let Evie do it.

Izuku was about finished with his homework.

Izuku: That should give him a B for Bastard.

Then he puts the homework away and before he knew it, an old friend walked up to him.

???: Hey, Izuku!

He turned to see Lonnie with her new haircut. He met her already when he walked to magic class and wanted to ask him where Evie was. He said she might be in her room but he wondered what she wanted.

Izuku: Wait, Lonnie?

Lonnie: Yeah, notice anything different?

Izuku noticed her hair was different.

Izuku: So that's what you wanted Evie for?

Lonnie (smiled): Yup. What do you think?

Izuku looked at the daughter of Mulan and said.

Izuku: Well, if you're trying to change your look that's your decision and if you say you look good, then I agree you look good.

Lonnie: You think so?

Izuku: Lonnie, you and I are both best friends. I support your decision no matter what.

Lonnie blushed and smiled while giggling.

Izuku: Was that cheesy?

Lonnie: A little bit.

Izuku: 'chuckled' I thought so. It's really good to see you, Lon.

Lonnie: You too, Greenie.

Izuku: I don't know why you changed your hair, you still look like a beautiful brave warrior.

Lonnie (blushed): J-Just wanted to impress you.

Izuku: Hey, I like the way you are, inside and out.

Lonnie was blushing like a red tomato.

Lonnie: T-Thanks, Greenie.

Izuku: Anyway, I'll see you later.

Lonnie: Yeah, see ya.

Izuku grabbed his bag and walked away. He walked towards his room.

Mal and Evie's Room

Izuku's Pov.

I was done with the homework and talking to Lonnie. So I went to meet up with Evie. I went to her room which was also Mal's room.

I knocked on the door and it opened by Evie.

Izuku: Hey, Evie.

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