D1: Talk with Audrey and Stealing the Wand

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Izuku's Dorm

Izuku's Pov.

My friends were shown to their dorms and I  followed my sister to my dorm.

My sister didn't like the room but Evie seriously did and tried her best to lie. Evie really doesn't have to be something she's not.

I went to my room and opened it. My eyes widened by the confusion when I saw one bed.

Izuku: Wait, I thought we all would get roommates?

Izumi: No, your friends get roommates.

Izuku: So what? Is this like a special gift for my return?

Izumi: 'chuckled' This was Mom's idea. She wanted you to have a room to yourself.

I sat on the bed and sighed while laying on it.

Izuku: It's a comfy bed, I give you that.

Izumi: So what was it like on the Isle?

I sigh and shook my head.

Izuku: Well, it wasn't exactly a walk in the park.

I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. my shock was to see Audrey at the door.

Audrey (smiled): Hey

Izuku: Um, hey Audrey. What are you doing here?

Audrey: I actually came to see you.

I looked at her confused and I turned to my sister who giggled.

Izumi: We'll talk later.

My sister left the room and I looked at Audrey.

Izuku: What do you wanna talk about?

Audrey: Can I come in?

Izuku (joked): Why yes, your majesty.

I did a simple bow which made Audrey giggle and walked in. I closed the door and put my hands in my pockets.

Audrey: Looks like you haven't lost your sense of humor.

Izuku: So, how are you?

Audrey: Oh you know me. Just trying to be the best I can be. Izumi, and I have been hanging out a lot along with the girls. It has been really difficult for all of us. How was the Isle?

Izuku: It was difficult as well. There was very little food so I had to eat garbage. The bath or shower hours were a problem and didn't get me started on the bathrooms.

Audrey: Why? What's wrong with them?

Izuku: They're barely enough.

Audrey (disgusted): Ohh... Ugh.

I nodded and sighed while scratching my head.

Izuku: I did what I had to survive, steal, cause damage, be mean, look tough, and get into fights.

Audrey: Who did get into fights with?

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