D1: Auradon Prep and Izuku's Reunion

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The Limo Ride

Izuku's Pov.

I exited out of the castle and saw the limo in front of me. I put my stuff in the truck and then I noticed Carlos running towards the Limo. Gee, I wonder why?

Cruella: Come back here, now! Carlos! Ingrate.

I looked at Evie with a deadpanned look.

Izuku (whispered): Seriously, that bitch treats him like a dog.

Evie (smiled): You don't say.

Evie entered the limo and I entered. I sat next to Evie. I took off my beanie and put it in my pocket. Evie looked at my hair and I noticed it.

 Evie looked at my hair and I noticed it

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Ignore the bubble gum

Izuku: What?

Evie: You got a haircut?

Izuku: Yesterday from Dizzy.

Evie (smiled): That's my little Dizzy.

Izuku: Yeah, too bad we can't take her with us.

She held my hand and smiled.

Evie: Maybe we will someday.

I smiled and we looked at each other.

Mal: Are you two done?

We were surprised by Mal's voice.

Izuku: How long were you standing there?

Mal: I just got in. Also, you're still holding hands.

I looked down and we let go of each other while nervously chuckled and blushed.

Jay: So-

I shushed Jay before he could get a word in. The Limo drove off while the parents said their goodbyes in their own way.

Jafar: Bring home the gold!

Cruella: Bring home a puppy.

Evil Queen: Bring home a prince.

I noticed Jay and Carlos looked at the sweets in front of them. They stared at each other before wrestling to get the candies. I can't really blame them because of the Food storage.

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