D1: A Talk with Mal and Dates with Two Girls

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Chemistry Class

3rd Pov.

The students enter the classroom. Izuku smiled at Evie which made her blush and Crystal greeted him.

Crystal: Y'know I never knew Ben was that smooth.

Izuku: Heh, the world can surprise you.

Izuku (thoughts): Even though, it was a spell which doesn't count.

Meanwhile, Evie was looking in her bag for a magic mirror. Mr. Deley noticed this and directed her attention towards him.

Mr. Deley: Looking for something?

Evie stopped searching and looked at the teacher. Izuku along with his sister and friends noticed this. The teacher showed her the mirror.

Mr. Deley: Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code.

Chad grinned at her and Evie gave him a glare. Izuku sighed and Izumi was mad at Chad snitching.

Mr. Deley: It will be my recommendation that you are expelled.

Evie: Mr. Deley, I-

The three students got up and spoke for Evie.

Doug/Izumi: But that's not fair.

Izuku: They're right. I mean it's obvious that she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... Whatever it is.

Evie: It's a magic mir-

Izuku/Izumi: You're not helping.

Izumi: Look, Mr. Deley, she was probably searching for another pencil.

Evie: Actually, I was-

Doug/Izuku: Really, don't help.

Izuku: C'mon teach, give her a chance.

They were begging him and he gave in.

Mr. Deley: Well, If you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop.

They sighed with relief and nodded. Chad gave him a smuggling look which made Evie glared at him. Izuku tapped her shoulder telling her to focus.

Evie went back to her work and Izuku sat back down. Crystal mouthed 'I'm sorry' and he waved his hand which, 'don't worry about it.'

After Class

Izuku's Pov.

I was sitting by myself doing some work with Izumi and Doug who were doing the same. I noticed some arms around me and a familiar voice.

It was Evie and she did pretty well on the test.

Evie: For the first time, It's like I'm more than just a pretty face.

Izuku/Izumi: Told ya.

We looked at each other with deadpanned looks.

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