D1: Music Class, The VKs Decision

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Izuku's Dorm

3rd Pov.

Izuku sat on his bed playing his guitar. He had a lot on his mind. His friends have to steal the wand for their parents but he doesn't want them to do it.

He sure could convince them not to do that even though he tried that already.

Izuku (thoughts): You know I'm really not liking this plan at all. Hell, I don't love it and never did.

He thought this was a suicide mission, and it was.

Izuku (thoughts): I want to free the people on the Isle as well but this isn't very smart. If that crazy dragon bitch wants to steal the wand, she should do it her damn self instead of asking kids to do it.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise and a girly scream. Izuku got up and opened the door. A door opened to reveal Chad covered in paint.

Chad: Are you kidding me?!

Izuku bits his lips to prevent himself from laughing but couldn't hold it. Then a girl appeared wearing a golden jacket and a black jewelry top. She also wore harem blue pants with a violet waistband around her waist and had black suede high heel ankle boots with golden heels.

???: Jordan, the Genie strikes again! I hope you enjoyed that prank as much as I did! Don't forget to like and subscribe!

She smiled at the camera and turned it off. Chad groaned and glared at Jordan, the daughter of the Genie.

Chad: Not funny, Jordan!

Jordan: Oh come on, Chad. Where's your sense of humor?

Izuku laughs while clapping his hands.

Izuku: 'sighs' That was awesome, Jo!

He high-fives Jordan for a great prank.

Jordan: Thanks! I always keep my fans entertained.

Izuku: Fans?

Jordan: Oh yes! You have to check out my website.

Izuku: After what you did to Chad, I will definitely subscribe to your channel.

Jordan: I do more than just pranks.

Chad: Hello? Is someone gonna get me a towel?

Izuku sighs and snaps his fingers when a towel appears.

Izuku: You have to take a shower first before using that though, Blondie. Like right now, before that paint dries off.

Chad ran off to take a shower. Izuku and Jordan looked at each other before laughing.

Izuku: Man, it's not everyday you see Chad get humiliated.

Jordan: Oh you do just whatever I feel like it. However, I was interested in your guitar solo when you came back.

Izuku: Oh you heard that?

Jordan: Yeah, I always hear classical music or whatever they play here but that was... Uh-

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