D1: The Invite and Maleficent's Plan

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Next Day:
Hades Cave

Izuku's Pov.

The next day was my final day of staying at the Isle. I was just sleeping on the floor and began to wake up but before I could open my eyes, I could hear Pain and Panic talking in front of me.

Pain: Are you gonna wake him up?

Panic: Why don't you do it?

Pain: Because I was the favorite.

Panic: Izuku doesn't have favorites, that's stupid.

Pain: How would you know that?

I opened my eyes and stood straight.

Izuku: Because I said it last week.

Both: Ahhh!

They held each other and I gave a deadpanned look.

Izuku: Morning, Uncle Pain and Panic.

Pain: How long have you been awake?

Izuku: How long have you guys been talking?

Panic: I told you we were talking too loud.

Pain: Me?! You were louder than me!

Izuku: Guys, why did you wake me up?

Pain: Well, one, you are going back home. And two, you have to be somewhere before you go.

Izuku: Oh yeah, my grumpiness doesn't make me foc- Wait, where do I need to go?

Pain: Hades just left and told me to tell you about going to Bargain Castle.

Izuku: I'd rather just leave.

I wasn't going to see Maleficent, she's not my mom and she hates me because I have my mother's face. I really didn't like her and I hate her for my own reasons. The same goes for the rest of my parents friends.

I grabbed my stuff and put it in my bag. I put on my clothes from my other bag and zipped it up.

Panic: Come on, you wanna be a good brother for Mal, do this for her

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Panic: Come on, you wanna be a good brother for Mal, do this for her.

Pain: Yeah, you said you would be around always.

Izuku: No I said bring around her when she needed me but I might well say goodbye one last time.

The two sighed with relief and I laughed silently.

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