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Ren didn't know what to do.

She felt as clueless as she was in her very first game.

Ren saw the time ticking down and she could hear the panic in the voices of the others around her. Ren looked at the crate with the yellow break lights, they were glowing brightly. Ren turned back to the tunnel – the only way anyone was getting anywhere was by walking and hope to God they didn't die.

"How would anybody get on that train?" A player asked. "That's not fucking possible."

Ren had one theory. They had to find something to break the doors, so they stayed open. However, getting close enough to the train would be the difficult part. It was honestly three seconds between its arrival, doors opening and its departure. Unless they break the train somehow, which didn't seem possible.

The Queen of Shade's team probably knew the secrets that the other teams didn't.

If Ren learned anything from these games, it was to watch and learn. However, in a game like this, it was impossible to watch and learn. You had to learn while also avoiding trying to get killed by a bullet train. Ren was basically on her own when it came to a plan. What Ren needed to find out was what the blue team was like, how strong they were, that would give her everything she needed to know about the game.

However, Ren had no fucking idea how to do that without getting herself killed.

Ren stood on the platform, feeling the ground shake as another train came to their platform.

"How many trains are active, you think?"

"Probably all of them."

Sara took Ren's arm. "How are we supposed to win this?" She whispered. "I don't see a possible outcome." Just then, a scream echoed around them. Ren turned her attention to the train. Ren felt Sara squeeze her arm, a hand instantly going over her mouth. Ren pushed her brother behind her to keep him from seeing what they were currently seeing.

"S-s-someone tried to jump on."

What Ren was seeing was someone's arm had been ripped off. Blood was down the front of the doors. The body the arm once belonged to was no longer there. There was a gasp from the yellow team when the doors opened. The arm fell from the doors, falling straight down into the tracks below them. As soon as the doors opened, they closed, and the train was gone again.

"Do we just sit here?" A player asked. "If no one moves, then... do we automatically win?"

"This is the Queen of Spades game; we can't just sit on our asses." Another said.

"How do we win this? We're just going to die either way."

Ren stared at the droplets of blood from the discarded arm. She shuttered at the thought of getting onto the train. However, Ren wondered if someone could jump onto the train before it moved again, get on top of it. Ren had these ideas run through her head, but there was no fucking way she'd do them.

Ren stepped forward, only to have Sara pull her back. "What are you doing?"

"We can't just sit here," Ren knew she couldn't sit on her ass and die because she refused to play the game. "We need to- No!" Ren shouted when she heard someone say they refused to play. She turned in time to have the collar explode around the player's neck. The blood splatter hit Ren directly in the face, covering Sara, Takeru and Sousuke. There were screams around her as two more collars exploded because players didn't want to play anymore.

Ren stood there, blood dripping from her face. Ren wiped her face, smearing the blood across. Ren looked down at her hand, seeing the amount of blood she had on her face. The blood wasn't that thing that shocked Ren or the fact that three people said they refused to play, it was the fact that she no longer reacted. The amount of blood that dripped off her face and the three bodies just lying on the ground, the arm on the tracks, Ren didn't react anymore.

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