The Boyfriend Complex #1

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I ran my hands over the crumpled pages from my old song book and began to whisper them, not even attempting the mediocre tunes that went alongside. My singing days were over, and I was glad of it, too! I'd never really been the most confident girl, the most popular, the most...

The most.

I had no problems with myself, really, I was fine. But, I wanted to be perfect. And for that, I needed to be with someone perfect, someone like...


He swaggered up to his desk just in front of mine and winked at all the girls, but in a warm and sincere way. It was my turn to be winked at, and he turned his small and modest face to reach mine and...smiled.

No wink, no, not for this girl. A lovely, delicate (was that...flirty?) smile, and turned back to take his seat just in time for Miss to start the register:

"Jemima Allis?"


"Brett Collins?"

"Good Morning, Miss!"

"Sadie Claremont?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Zara Dansen?"

"Yes Miss."

"Avery Hunt?"


"Briana Karidale?"

"Uh, huh!"

"Vanessa Oaklens?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Harper Ryvan?"

"Over here!"

"And, Olivia Tate?"


The young and elegant teacher smiled, and turned away from us to write the notices on the big, blaring whiteboard that was weakly fastened to the wall, and was hanging oddly, in a precarious manner.

"Okay, the bell is about to go, guys, please stand behind your chairs...and...leave promptly." All the teachers in this little school were cheery, a little too cheery, if I'm honest. That was why Brett was so...refreshing...and handsome...he resembled a young Julian Morris, with his daft, cheesy grin and piercing, maroon eyes...

Like I said, Brett Jameson Collins was perfect.


When the bell for the end of the day finally rang, I was just about ready to rip the face of the small, oblivious girl next to me and crawl under the table and die. But I just left.

With my pastel blue bag slung on my shoulder, I gently walked out of the claustrophobic, grey hallway and bumped into a tall guy just outside of the outer entrance to the music classroom. There were singing and dancing rehearsals, and I noticed Sadie standing centre stage, belting out a glamorous and mesmerising tune (yeah, right!)-


I gulped back an awkward, little scream when I recognised that voice, that soft, glorious voice. It was the head boy, team captain of every sport, popular, gorgeous, loved by all? -And super smart and considerate!

Yep, you guesses it- Brett.

I stuttered, and stammered and sounded like I was being strangled by a million cats, but he still managed to smile cutely when I choked out "Hey...Brett."

He slung his arm over my shoulder casually and I died, but he managed to revive me with his enchanting speech about cats, or something...

Okay! So, I wasn't really listening, but I couldn't help it, it wasn't my fault he was so...perfect.

"Sorry, um, I gotta go, but I'll catch you later right?" He grinned, with a hint of panic in his eyes- was he worried I was going to

"Yep!" I was a little too enthusiastic. Cringe. "Yeah sure!" He seemed to relax a little, which left my screaming inside, and my heart jumping all over the place. He ran off into the night, or to be more accurate, into the 4:30, and left me stranded with my heart on a string, and with one more cute smile? It might just snap.

Hey, buds! S'up! Do you think it is all moving a bit too fast, or do you like...LOVE IT? I dunno, just comment...okay LUV YA XXX

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