A House Elf and a Baby Arrive at Hogwarts

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Halloween night, 2008

Professor McGonagall was just trying to do her nightly rounds before she went to bed. She was only going to briefly check the courtyard until she heard what sounded like crying.

She quickly hurried to the middle of the court yard where she found a very distressed looking house elf trying to quiet a... baby?!?!

"What are you doing out here, little ones?" The professor asked, gently.

"Mis- Lily s-said that I was to b-bring Harry straight to H-Hogwarts and that I wasn't to give the b-baby to anyone except for Sirius Black or Remus Lupin." The house elf rushed out quickly, stuttering over her words. She was dressed in a small dress that looked to be handmade.

Professor McGonagall understood that something terrible must have happened to James, Lily and Regulus for Lily to have sent away their precious baby.

"Come inside. It's freezing out here. I'll get Sirius and Remus on the phone immediately."

They quickly hurried inside and went to Dumbledore's office, where Dumbledore instantly tried to take the still-screaming one-year-old from the house elf, Fipmy.

A horrifying screech filled the room and nearly floored professors Flitwick and Sprout, who had come to Dumbledore's office to make sense of all the commotion.

The house elf curled herself around Harry to keep anyone from taking him.
"Only Sirius Black or Remus Lupin may take the baby!" Screamed Fipmy.

Everyone in the room took two steps away from the house elf and the baby to prevent further screeching.

"Why not Peter?" Asked McGonagall, who could easily remember all the trouble the 4 marauders had gotten into just 4 years prior.

"Peter is the enemy. He hurt Lily and James." Said Fipmy.

"What?" Asked a confused Professor McGonagall.

"I will not speak further until Sirius Black or Remus Lupin is here." Explained the house elf who sat down in a corner and comforted little Harry.

First chapter DONE!!!

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