A House Elf Forces James to Take his Wand to the Door

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Halloween night, 2008

Suddenly the door to Dumbledore's office burst open as Sirius and Remus entered the room.

"Where are they?!?!" asked an out-of-breath Remus

McGonagall just pointed to Fipmy and Harry still sitting in the corner.

The husbands rushed over to the small house elf who was still holding a, now sleeping, Harry Potter.

As soon as Fipmy saw the two, she burst into tears.
"Sirius! Remus! Oh, you must help! Something horrible has happened! Where is M- Regulus? Where is Regulus?!"

Remus and Sirius kneeled in front of Fipmy and Remus held his arms out as an offer to take the baby that was nearly the same size as Fipmy.

The young house elf smiled graciously and carefully handed the baby to Remus.

Sirius smiled as Remus held their godson.
"Fipmy, what happened? You need to tell us everything you know."

The trembling house elf quickly started speaking.
"Lily and James were just getting Harry down for bed. He had just had his bath and Lily was reading him a story in the nursery. I was downstairs with James helping to clean up. There was a knock on the door and so James went to answer it, he was going to leave his wand in the living room but I made him take it. We argued for a minute because he thought it was just some trick-or-treaters but I couldn't shake the bad feeling so he took it just so I'd quiet down and let him open the door. As he turned to open the door, I went to go check on Lily and Harry. As James opened the door, I heard him exclaim 'Wormtail!' So, I stopped because the agreement was that Peter Pettigrew was not supposed to come to the house because we were in hiding. I heard Peter start repeating 'I'm sorry Prongs. Please forgive me someday.' Then James yelled at me to get to Harry and Lily and so I ran upstairs. W-we co-could hear spells being thrown and Li-Lily told me to bring H-Harry to Hogwarts and only give him to Sirius Black or Remus Lupin." Fipmy finally took a breath as she finished her story.

A deathly silence fell over the room.

Everyone was in shock.

Then the door burst open as officials from the ministry stormed in.

"Sirius Black. You are under arrest for the disappearance of James and Lily Potter. As well as the disappearance of your own brother Regulus Potter."

I love cliffhangers.

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