Peter Should Really Take Notes from Barty on How Not to Betray Your Friends.

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November 7th, 2008

James' POV:

1 week.

It's been one week since Peter betrayed me and Lily.

One week since I've heard from Regulus.

One week since we were all brought to these cells.

I could hear Barty scream as he was punished for refusing to betray Regulus.

Peter should take notes from him on how not to betray your friends.

I had no idea where any of them were. I could hear the screams from Evan as he tried to help Barty. I could hear Peter begging for forgiveness from the people he used to talk about marriage with.

If I close my eyes I can still see the moment we all figured out each other's relationships.

Sirius was sneaking out of Remus' bed.

Reggie and Lily were sneaking out of mine.

Barty and Evan out of Peter's.

We all laughed and scrambled to get to breakfast.

Reggie, Barty, Peter, and myself all had the wrong ties that day.

Minnie was so proud. She had been shipping all of us for a while.

Snivallis was pissed when he saw how attached Lily was to me and Reggie from then on. I just pulled her closer and winked at him whenever I saw him fuming

I don't think Marlene or Mary ever let Lily live it down.

I opened my eyes as the door to my cell opened and Malfoy walked in.

"Get up Mudblood-lover." He spat out at me.

I just death glared the blurry silhouette that was Lucius Malfoy and yanked on the chains that kept me against the wall of the cell.

The bastard just laughed and held up his wand. I heard him say crucio before I felt it.

Felt the searing pain that felt like I was being burned alive.

Felt what has been repeatedly described as the worst pain on Earth.

And the only thing he was accomplishing was making me hate Walburga and Orion so much more for using this to punish their children.

I remembered when I was 16 and went to go get Regulus and Sirius from the Black manor. Reggie was scared and kept dropping things. Walburga found us and crucioed me for helping her sons' escape.

I don't know what happened but Sirius says that Regulus hit Walburga with a chair.

All I know is when I came to, Walburga was passed out, Sirius had his wand to Orion's neck and Regulus was getting the last of their stuff into my dad's car. Orion formerly disowned both his sons that night and we bolted.

Regulus was supposed to get the dark mark the next day.

He was supposed to be safe from all of this.

Then Dumbledore asked him to go find horcruxes.

It was the worst year of our lives. Regulus didn't even ever get to meet Harry.


I hoped to Merlin that he was safe. I didn't see him when they dragged Lily out of the house but I have no idea what happened to him.

Finally the pain stopped.

"Where is Regulus Black, Potter?" Malfoy asked.

"I-I don't know." I replied honestly. Apparently that was the wrong answer because the pain of the crucio filled my body again.

I prayed that Reggie was safe and that him and Harry had gone straight to Minnie.

I'm currently in the middle of finals so please send prayers. I've got one out of three done. But until next time. 

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