Oompa Loompa, I Got a Bad Feeling About You -Regulus talking to Peter

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(Small note: I'm working off my headcanon that Pandora Lovegood and Evan Rosier are twins so have that knowledge while reading this chapter.)

November 7th, 2008

Sirius's POV:

I was currently at Potter manor sitting in the floor playing with Harry who kept asking for his mummy and daddy.

Thank Merlin that Effy didn't mind us bringing Harry over here. I love my godson but I'm trying to find my brothers and sister.

Also we've recently found out that Barty Crouch Jr. and Evan Rosier are also missing.

That meant that Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood as well as thair daughter Luna have been crashing at the Potter manor for the past week.

Speaking of Pandora, she walked over with Luna, who had just woken up from a nap.

"I'll worry about the kids. Go find out how they are going to find our brothers." She said as she kneeled on the floor next to Harry.

"Thank you, Pandy." I said as I got up and headed to the kitchen where everyone was talking.

"-We may have found a location where there is a high concentration of unforgivable curses being used but the signal keeps getting distorted." One of the ministry officials was finishing a sentence when I entered the kitchen.

"That's... something. At least we have something now." Monty said.

Effy just nodded and opened her arms for me to hug her. Which I gladly accepted.

"Any news on Reggie?" I asked the room.

"We have reason to believe that all of the horcruxes have been destroyed. And there is evidence that his call for pick-up might have been intercepted. Meaning if your brother is good at reading people, he might have been able to get away before they grabbed him. And if he isn't-" I cut the ministry guy off before he could keep speaking.

"My brother is one of the best at reading people. Did you know he used to refuse to be within 10 feet of Peter? He was always suspicious of him." I said the last part mostly to Effy and Monty.

The ministry guy nodded. "Then Regulus is more than likely okay."

Then Monty spoke up. "Knowing Reggie, he probably is trying to go after Voldemort himself since all the horcruxes have been destroyed."

He was trying to make a joke but then the realization dawned on everyone in the room.

My brother was going to try and single handily go after Voldemort.

I'm listening to Paint Me A Birmingham by Tracy Lawrence and I swear it's Remus talking about Sirius. One listen and you'll understand. I have more. Let me know if you want me to make a list of a bunch of songs and which Marauders they match. 

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