From Childhood Best Friends and Cousins to Enemies Who Happen to be Related.

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November 7th, 2008

Regulus' POV:

I managed to sneak into Voldemort's office without being found.

He was alone looking over something when I walked in.

He noticed me almost instantly but I already had my wand in my hand.

"Stupefy!" I called out and the spell hit him dead-center of his chest.

I quickly walked over to him and took anything that looked remotely like a wand away from him.

"Some dark lord you are. You can't even defend yourself against a 20-year-old." I smirked at him as he went to reach for his wand. I stepped on his hand and heard an audible crack from his bones breaking. "That's for the pain you caused to the loves of my life." I turned to leave when I heard him mutter something that sounded vaguely like 'traitor.'

"I'm not a traitor to the people that matter," I said from the doorway as the high and mighty dark lord lost consciousness.

As I walked back out into the hallway I came face-to-face with my cousin. The girl who used to be my best friend was now pointing her wand at me.

"Bella," I said as I raised my wand.

"Reggie," She replied with venom in her voice.

We stood there like that, face-to-face, for probably 5 minutes, just staring each other down.

"Don't do this, Bella. The Ministry can help you. They hav-" I tried before she cut me off.

"No, Regulus. The Ministry doesn't care about people like me, Reg. They only care about you and Sirius because you guys got disowned. They don't care about people like me who willingly help the dark lord." She answered... sadly?

"Please, Bella. You can fight all you want, but please don't make me fight you." I spoke as we heard the doors to the manor fly open as officials from the Ministry flooded the place.

"You're a traitor. I kill traitors." She said as she tightened her grip on her wand and I did the same.

I watched a member of the Ministry snuck up behind her.

"I'm sorry, Bella. Expelliarmus." I said and her wand flew from her hand and the Ministry official grabbed her.

I turned and walked away. Trying my best to ignore the screaming of my childhood best friend and cousin as I made my way to check on Narcissa.

Once I got to Draco's room I found two Ministry officials outside, preparing to knock down the door.

"Guys! Stop! There is an infant and a mother who was forced into this life in there." I said as I approached.

"Mr. Potter, are you sure?" One of them asked.

"Yes, I am. It's my cousin in there. She wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was to protect a child. Especially her child." I told them honestly.

"We believe you." The official said. "Barnes! Guard this door. Nobody in or out unless they are with Regulus Potter." He told the other official who immediately put his back to the door and nodded.

Me and the other official, William, went to go find Lily, James, Barty, Evan, and any other prisoners they might be hiding here.

Stopping it here because it feels like a good place and because I really want to get a chapter out today but I need to go to bed because I have things to do in the morning.

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