I Love Narcissia

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November 7th, 2008

Regulus' POV:

I knew they weren't from the ministry the second they showed up.

I've always been good at reading people and I could just tell there was something off about the two people that came to pick me up.

So, I ran.

At first, I didn't know what to do. Then I got ahold of a copy of the daily profit saying that James, Lily, and I were all missing.

So, I decided to go after Voldemort. He would be incredibly weak since I had destroyed all of the Horcruxes except for that damned snake.

That stupid ass snake bit me once when I was like 10. Nearly killed me. So, it was safe to say, that I had a vengeance for that stupid snake.

I had been watching Malfoy Manor for 3 days now and I was learning their routines.

The hardest thing I have ever done was sit here and listen to my best friends and the loves of my life, scream as they were being tortured. It was like I was the one being crucioed. Yet, at the same time, it was a relief. They had to be alive to be able to scream.

I finally made entry into the house.

I was hiding in the kitchen when Narcissa found me.

"What are you doing here?" She whisper-screamed at me.

"Saving my family and killing the dark lord," I answered her.

"Okay." She ran her finger through her hair like she always did when she was thinking of a plan. "Avoid Bellatrix. She's not on our side. Go straight for Voldemort. I'm going to go to Draco's room and hide out there. Take out Voldemort. Once you do that, this whole place will fall apart. I'm the one maintaining the magic block so I'm going to allow it to fail. DON'T use unforgivable curses because the ministry will be able to track them. Okay?"

I smiled at her and hugged her gratefully.

"Just promise me something?" She asked me, the fear radiating off of her.


"Me and Draco get to be free too. I have never willingly worked for Voldemort. I've only ever done it to save Draco-" She started to ramble but I shushed her.

"I'll make sure you and Draco are safe. Go. Go be with your son. I'll come find you once I find the others." I said to her as I hugged her again.

She hugged me back and turned to head to Draco's room.

I said a silent prayer to Merlin that I'd make it out alive and went to find the dark lord.

I think I'm just in an angsty mood today. 

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