A Dollar For Your Thoughts?

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December 8th, 2008

James's POV:

It's officially been a month since we were all rescued.

It's been amazing and I've held my family tighter than I ever have before.

Although it has been hard as well.

Every time I close my eyes I hear Lily's screams, and I know it's the same for Lils. Not to mention Regulus was very clearly falling back into a dark place that I hadn't seen him in since my fifth year at Hogwarts.

I was currently sat in the living room, trying to think of a way to help my partners.

Fipmy walked over with two cups of tea. I was really proud of her. She was getting better at remembering that she's an equal in our family.

I took both of the cups with a small smile as she climbed up onto the couch before taking back her cup.

"What is it that Muggles say? Dollar for your thoughts?" She asked curiously.

"I believe the term is 'penny for your thoughts'. Muggles put so little value on the things that matter. Like the thoughts of loved ones. But as for what I'm thinking, I'm trying to come up with a way to help Lily and Regulus." I answered her.

"Lily, Regulus, and yourself, James. You need help too." I nodded at her response.

She thought for a minute before speaking up. "I think Mr. Rosier was going to try something called 'therapy'?" As she spoke I remembered Barty and Evan talking to Regulus about it.

"Yeah. They were. I think that might be something that we could try. Not just for the attack either. Lily and Regulus both have other things that therapy could help with." I said as I reached for my phone to text Barty to see if he could recommend a therapist.


An hour later


I walked into the bedroom where Lily was changing into PJs (AKA: My shirt and Reggie's sweats) and Reggie was sitting on the bed already changed. (This time Lils' shirt and my boxers)

He was waiting for Lily to sit down so he could brush and braid her hair. A routine that we had started way back in Hogwarts. I smiled fondly as I watched them. They hadn't noticed me yet and these were my favorite moments.

When they were just interacting, doing the most mundane of tasks, they were just being completely themselves. Just with each other. No idea that I was there.

They were hands down the most beautiful people on Earth. In the whole universe, actually.

I walked over to Lily and wrapped my arms around her waist, trapping her arms and effectively stopping her ability to put on a shirt.

"Hello, Jamie." She said with the most heavenly giggle leaving her lips. "I need to put on a shirt, darling."

"Mmm~ Nope. You don't. You're good like this." I said as I buried my face into her neck.

I heard Regulus giggle from across the room. I could practically see the 'help me' look she was no doubtedly giving our husband.

"Jamie~" His usually deep, and slightly monotone, voice called out with a honey sweetness and sing-song quality to it. "Think of how beautiful she will be in your shirt."

I thought about it before pressing a sweet kiss to the juncture of her shoulder and neck. I let go of her and reached for my shirt that was lying on the bed. I slipped it over her head and then kissed her lips sweetly. She giggled and kissed me back happily.

I walked over to the bed and sat against the headboard and opened my legs, patting them for Reggie to come sit. Once he settled down I buried my face in his neck this time and hugged him around the waist. Meanwhile, Lily sat between Reggie's legs and he started on her hair.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence, I lifted my head from the crook of Reggie's neck and set my chin on his shoulder.

I took a deep breath before speaking, "I think we should try therapy."

They both froze so I continued, "I mean, I think it would be good for us. We don't know how to talk about what happened with each other and we're all suffering-"

Reggie was quick to cut me off, "I'm not suffering. I'm fi-"

Lily cut him off before he could finish, "No. You are not fine, Reg. Do you honestly think we don't notice the zoning out and night terrors?"

Reggie froze like a deer caught in the headlights.

I took the chance to speak and offered a solution.

"How about me and Lily set up an appointment and you can just come sit in? You don't have to say anything, don't even have to introduce yourself. Just see how it is?"

He let out a slow breath before giving us a single short nod and went back to Lily's hair, effectively ending the conversation.

I feel like the ending on this one is weird but I don't how else to end it. Anyway, shoutout to the comment that I just got that caused the motivation needed to write this chapter!!!! Okay, next question: What continent are y'all from? I'm from North America. 

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