Draco Tries to Eat a Car While Regulus and Sirius Talk About Therapy

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December 9th, 2008

Regulus's POV

Therapy? Therapy?

Why did I agree to therapy? I didn't need some random person judging me for my past.

"REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK!!!" Sirius yelled to snap me out of my thoughts.

We were sitting in his living room drinking tea and watching as Luna, Draco, and Harry played on the floor. We started these Tuesdays with everyone going over to Sirius and Remus's flat after we all got out of the hospital. It was nice to have everyone here and together.

I turned my attention to my brother who was looking at me with an exasperated look.

"What?" I asked him.

"I have been calling your name for 10 minutes. What are you thinking about?" They asked me as he messed with their wedding band.

"James and Lily want to start therapy," I said as I set my cup on the coffee table and messed with my hands. My wedding band gleamed in the light.

"Are you going to go?" He asked knowingly. They knew me better than anyone.

"I agreed to sit in on their session. I'm not sure about sessions for myself though." As I spoke I looked at Lily who was in the kitchen, she was laughing and joking but I could tell how she kept tensing up, ever so slightly, whenever someone brushed past her.

I looked at James whose head would jerk towards me, Lily, or Harry every few minutes. Checking if we were alright.

We were all dealing with the lasting effects of the kidnapping and the time away from each other.

I was gone from my family for over a year trying to find Horecruxes so we could take out Voldemort. I missed the birth of my child. I missed his first steps. His first words.

I missed his first haircut. When we were at Hogwarts I always talked about how important giving my child their first haircut was for me and I had to watch it over a choppy Skype screen.

I missed his first birthday.

His first Christmas.

His first everything.

"I think it would be good for you." Sirius's voice rang out.

"Honestly, I think so too. I feel so much guilt for how much of Harry's life I've missed." I replied.

Sirius didn't respond again. Opting instead to stop Draco from trying to eat one of Harry's muggle car toys that Lily bought him.

Maybe I would go to therapy. Who knows.

I'm done!!! Sorry, I disappeared. School got stupid busy.

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