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November 8th, 2008

Sirius's POV:

The second we walked into the collective hospital room, Lily reached her arms out to take Harry.

Remus took him to her while Pandora went to Evan's side and I went to Regulus who was sitting between James and Lily.

He stood up as I approached and I hugged him tightly.

This was the first time that I had seen him in a year and I couldn't believe it.

After a few minutes, we stepped back and wiped the tears that totally weren't falling.

We gave each other an awkward fist bump as if we hadn't just hugged for five minutes straight. Which caused laughter to erupt around the room.

I then gave James and Lily hugs. Lily's hug was kind of this awkward side hug since she was clutching Harry like he was her lifeline.

James reached towards Lily, no doubt trying to get Harry.

Regulus made it easy and picked Lily up and put her and Harry in James' bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his partners and child with a look that I hadn't seen from him since their wedding day. A look of pure love and happiness.

He looked up at me and mouthed, "Thank you"

It was gratitude that wasn't just for watching Harry while they couldn't.

It was gratitude for raising him.

It was gratitude for taking years worth of abuse for him.

It was gratitude for helping him get out of that hell.

It was gratitude for never letting him down. Ever.

I mouthed back "No problem and walked to check on Barty and Evan.

Another chapter down!

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