I Got My Fairytale.

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Lily's POV:

December 17th, 2008

We all walked into the house after picking Harry up from Barty and Evan's house. The couple agreed to watch him while we attended our first therapy session and honestly, I'm quite surprised.

The first little while it looked like Reggie was searching for any chance to escape but after about 30 minutes he relaxed and actually started opening up about some things he would be willing to talk about.

By the end, we had all agreed to go to individual sessions as well as group sessions. So I'd consider the appointment a success.

James moved through our small house, yes we were in our early 20s and already had a house. I tried to insist on a flat but a certain pair of rich idiots that I agreed to marry decided we were getting a house and I was outvoted.

Anyway, James moved through the house to the living room and put Harry in his playpen, where Regulus immediately picked him up and started playing with him.

Ever since Regulus got home, he has wanted to put Harry down; and Harry was loving the attention.

Harry has always been a clingy baby, but me and James both work and take care of the house so it's impossible to be at his side, 24/7.

However, I have a handle on the bookstore that Regulus and I started right out of school, and with Voldemort gone, everything at the ministry has been slow so they don't need the extra help they needed before. Not to mention, James, Fipmy, and I had a handle on the simple housework that needed to be done. All of these factors meant that Regulus got to spend all of his time focused on Harry.

I honestly believed that Regulus wouldn't have been able to handle Harry's stink bombs worth of diapers but he loved doing anything and everything for Harry, including changing the unholy amount of diapers.

I leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen as I watched my husbands playfully argue over our son.


This was my fairytale ending.

Ever since I was a little girl I have loved fairytales and romances. Always dreamed of my Prince Charming or maybe even my forbidden romance with the enemy. Now, at 21 years old, I have both. I even have a daring tale of capture and rescue.

I laughed to myself at the thought and walked into the kitchen to get started on dinner.

This fic will be coming to a close shortly. I'm still going to do little one-shots for a little while so please leave me requests in the comments on what you'd like to see!!!! And if you guys feel so inclined to check out more of my writing, I write two more stories. The Prince's Choice (https://www.wattpad.com/story/342224461-the-prince%27s-choice) and It's Just a Prank. Right? A Rosestarkillerchaser fanfic. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54228823/chapters/137322523)

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