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November 7th, 2008

Regulus' POV:

Me and William made our way to the basement where another official was dragging Lucius Malfoy up the stairs.

"Stop," I told the ministry officials. Then I turned to Lucius. "What did you do to my husband and wife?" 

He just laughed manically as they dragged him away.

I bolted down the stairs to find Lily, James, Evan, and Barty already being put on stretchers to be taken to St. Mungos.

I went to stand between Lily and James.

"Hi, My Loves," I spoke to both of them gently.

Lily looked much more injured than James, but James looked like he had gone through several hours of crucio.

I held both their hands as we went out to the ambulances.

"Go with Lily. I'll be okay." James told me when we got outside. I kissed him then climbed into the ambulance Lily was put in. Then we were on the way to St. Mungos.

Sirius' POV:

We were all in the living room when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered before freezing as the person on the other line spoke. "Okay, that's amazing! Thank you! We'll be there shortly!" I hung up and turned to everyone who were now all looking at me expectantly.

"They found them. All of them. They are all alive. They are at St. Mungos and asking for us." With that everyone quickly scrambled to get ready to go.

This is a really short chapter but here you go. Also in my other book, I started a daily question so I'm gonna do that here. What's your zodiac sign?

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