Jake's nightmare

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Person: we should take her with us
Driver: but sir...
Person: we don't have any other options Brett,we have to take her with us.
Brett: okay sir,let's go
Person: okay,baby so tell me what's your name??
Girl: mmm...myra
Person: okay,come with me.we should go to home.
Myra: but my mumma??
Person: don't worry we'll find your mumma
Now come with me.
After they went to their home.
At home:
Person: come with me Myra
Myra was so much scared that she couldn't say anything
Person: Myra are you hungry??
Myra just nodded her head as yes
Then they had their dinner
Person: Myra let's sleep now ,we'll find your mumma tomorrow okay.
Myra: uncle, what is your name??
Person: I'm Jake,you can call me uncle J ,everybody calls me J.
Myra: uncle J are you living alone here??
Jake's smile faded at this question, he remained silent for some time,then spoke
Jake: oh yes Myra, now let's go to sleep
Myra slept at a room which is next to Jake's room,after that Jake came to his bedroom to sleep.
At midnight
Jake: noooo...don't leave me Eli ,plz don't go.STOP
Jake got up screaming and started looking around.
Yes,he was having such kind of nightmares since 6/7 months..
At morning
Jake went to the room where Myra was sleeping last night.
He looked at Myra who's sleeping like an angel. After so many years a smile appeared on Jake's face.He looked at baby Myra with heart eyes.
After some time Myra opened her eyes n looked at Jake.
Jake: good morning Myra
Myra: good morning uncle J
Jake :did you sleep well last night??
Myra: yes,may be after so many years
Jake: why so??
Myra: it's a long story uncle, I'll tell you some other day.
Jake: okay ,so now let's go for breakfast
Myra: uncle,why this room is decorated like a doll house??is there any baby here too
Once again Myra reminded Jake something about his past n his eyes are became teary.
Myra: uncle are you crying, sorry if I asked something wrong.
Jake has now tried to avoid that question
Jake: don't you wanna find your mumma??
Myra: nooooooo,I want my mumma
Jake: then why are you wasting your time??let's go.
Suddenly Myra hugged Jake with her tiny hands due to which Jake flinched
Myra: uncle,thank you for helping me.
Jake came back to sense n hugged back little Myra with so much love.
May be this is what was missing from his life
Jake: okay miss drama queen now let's go
Myra: I'm not drama queen ,I'm cute okay??
Jake: okay ok,shall we go??
Myra: yes
After a long time Jake was making food for other than himself
Jake: come on Myra, let's eat
Myra: uncle can you plz feed me??I can't eat myself
Jake: really ?? How old are you?
Myra: 11
Jake: n you can't eat yourself?
Myra: no,actually my mumma used to feed me by her own hand (with this line her eyes are became teary) but after that she spoke
Myra: but what's the problem??I know now I'm cute enough to be pampered (flipping her hair)
Jake: okay, miss drama queen now open your mouth.
Myra: I'm cute,okay??not drama queen
Jake chuckled with this n said
Jake: now let me feed you
After that they both finished their breakfast with some cute chit chat
Now it was 9:00 am when Brett came to pick Jake for office
Jake: Brett today we have to get information about Myra's mother
Brett: yes, sir. I already started my mission to find her mother,I went to that place where yesterday we've found her. But sir I found something suspicious about her.
Jake: what do you mean??

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