Hanna's life is in danger..

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He cut the call out of sudden causing more confusion for Johnny. Who asked him curiously,
Johnny: Is everything all right?? What happened to you? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Joseph: Everthing is fine, we'll get our trophy very soon. Let's go.
Hanna also can sense the tension in Joseph's eyes. The way his emotions dropped from hills to ground. Then she thought
(: I know you've got an ace on your sleeve Mr.detective. You'll never let them win. Impressive!!)
She was praising Jake in her mind And unknowingly a proud smile lingered on her face.
After almost 3 hrs the door of an huge building opened with a loud thoud revealing a beautiful lady. Her piercing gaze scanning the hallway to search a particular figure. Seeing her Johnny came to downstairs while asking,
Johnny: Who the hell are you? And how could you enter here without our permission?
Hearing his voice, Joseph came, seeing his love after so many years, he remained frozen. His eyes fixed on the woman as if mesmerized. He couldn't understand what to say or how to react. Then suddenly that lady said,
??: I think you still remember this face Mr.smith.
Johnny looked at Joseph with an questionable eyes. Here Joseph took small steps towards the lady but before he reached at her Jake came there all of sudden and said,
Jake: Oh, not bad. So, the ruthless dealer has a heart. How quaint Joseph. It was a deal. So, you'll get her after returning my precious one. Julia step aside.
Julia nodded her head slowly. Joseph was stunned to see that how the detective controlling the lady so easily who was not less than a volcano.
Joseph: Okay, Johnny bring her here.
Johnny: But bro...
Joseph: Bring her ,rest I'll tell you later.
Johnny nodded and went to bring Hanna downstairs.
Joseph: You got a brain of wolf detective. I can see how you're controlling her.
Jake: You should thaught before you crossed me.
After sometime Johnny came with Hanna, Jake's eyes sparkled seeing her after months. She was looking pale because of the torture. It was clearly visible how much the girl had done to complete this mission. The marks of race on his hands were clearly visible. Yet there wasn't even a trace on his face. As Hanna appeared, Julia's eyes flashed with a fierce intensity. She sprinted towards Joseph, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. But in the same instant, she whipped out a gun and pressed it to his temple, her voice shrill with desperation.
Julia: Run, Hanna! Now!
Hanna took a step forward, but Johnny was quick to react. He snatched her hand, yanking her backward with a force that made her stumble. His knife glinted in the light as he pressed it against her neck, his voice sneering.
Johnny: Hey, miss, I don't know who you are, but leave my brother alone. Or else...
Jake's eyes locked onto Julia, his hands raised in a calming gesture.
Jake: Julia, let him go. It's over.
But before she could respond, the police burst in, surrounding Joseph and pinning him to the ground.
Officer: Let her go, Mr. Smith!
Johnny's laughter was maniacal, his eyes gleaming with a twisted excitement.
Johnny: I won't let her go! I'll have some fun with this beauty!
Jake's fists clenched, his anger simmering just below the surface. But he kept his cool, his eyes scanning the room for an opening.
And then, his gaze met Hanna's. She was already looking at him, a hint of triumph dancing in her eyes. The mission was accomplished, and she knew it. Jake's tension eased, a small smile playing on his lips. He gave her a subtle nod, and she knew what to do next. The game was far from over, but for now, they had won. But suddenly Johnny started misbehaving. He tried to force himself on Hanna and during this, got a cut on her neck with the knife. Seeing this, Jake could not stop himself any longer and shot Johnny in the leg. Johnny falls after being shot and then Martin catched and handed him over to the police. The police took both the brothers along with their supporters to the police station. And here due to the cut , blood started flowing from Hannah's neck due to which she was about to fall down unconscious when Jake came and took her into her embrace. Her eyes were slowly closing when she looked at Jake and said,
Hanna: Thank you Mr. Detective for trusting me.
Jake's world stopped. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her. Without hesitation, he swept her into his arms and sprinted towards the hospital, praying he wasn't too late. The darkness closed in around them, but he refused to let it consume her. She had to survive. She had to live. Here's a revised version with a more captivating tone:
As they fled the scene, the skies opened up, unleashing a torrent of rain that threatened to drown the city. Martin's voice called out from behind,
Martin: Sir, wait!
But he didn't flinch. His eyes remained fixed on the hospital in the distance, his legs pumping furiously as he raced against time.
Hanna's limp form nestled in his arms, her head lolling against his chest. The rain soaked through his clothes, chilling him to the bone, but he didn't feel it. All he felt was the warmth of her body, the fragile weight of her in his arms.
He didn't look back, didn't dare to. His focus was solely on the hospital, on getting her the help she needed. The rain drummed against his face, blinding him, but he pushed on, his heart pounding in his chest. He wouldn't let her slip away, not now, not ever.

After battling the torrential rain, Jake finally burst into the hospital reception area, Hanna cradled in his arms like a precious treasure

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After battling the torrential rain, Jake finally burst into the hospital reception area, Hanna cradled in his arms like a precious treasure. His shirt was soaked through, stained with her blood and the rain, a grim testament to the ordeal they had endured. The silence of the hospital at 1 am was oppressive, the only sound the soft hum of machines and the heavy breathing of the wounded.
Martin approached the receptionist, his voice low and urgent,
Martin: Where's the doctor?
The receptionist's eyes widened as she took in the scene before her, and she quickly summoned the doctor. But when the doctor arrived, he hesitated, his eyes fixed on Hanna's limp form.
Doctor: This is a case of attempted murder.
He said, his voice firm but trembling.
Doctor: I can't treat her.
Jake's grip on the doctor's collar was like a vice. His voice was low and menacing, each word piercing the doctor's ear like a hot blade.
Jake: Do your work, doctor. Otherwise, I won't leave anyone unscathed.
The doctor nodded slowly, his eyes darting to Martin, before hurrying off to treat Hanna.
As the doctor disappeared into the depths of the hospital, Martin's hand closed around Jake's shoulder, his voice soft but firm.
Martin: Sir, I think you should tend to your own wounds now.
And then Jake noticed that he was limping during the whole way because of his wounds, which he got while entering Joseph's first base.
The doctor came to them almost after an hour. Seeing him Jake ran towards him and asked,
Jake: Is she okay?

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