A new mission

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It had been 4 days since Jake met Hanna but still Jake was remembering her face again and again. He even went there once in the morning to meet her but he didn't find Hanna. He was very disturbed by this new feeling. It was a regular Friday Jake had come to the old age home in connection with a case. And he was in his full detective outfit. And his assistant Martin was also with him. Then both of them was about to enter and suddenly his eyes fell on a familiar face and he stopped there.

There was a bench in the corner of the garden where a girl was talking and laughing with an old man, and she was Hanna

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There was a bench in the corner of the garden where a girl was talking and laughing with an old man, and she was Hanna. And suddenly Jake's sad mind became happy, he also started smiling softly after seeing them. And here's Martin, who for the first time saw Jake smiling like an idiot without any reason. Then he thought,
Martin: ( Am I dreaming or what? Why is he suddenly smiling like this today? He doesn't smile that much even at jokes, what happened today??
Then he followed his gaze and saw that he was smiling at the girl, seeing whom his eyes widened. He was continously blinking his eyes with a wide openend mouth. Then suddenly a care taker came to them and said,
Care taker: Good morning Sir.
Both flinched due to a sudden voice and looked at the person.
Martin: Very good morning.  We're here because of that newly filed case of an old man. He's Mr. Jake Toner the private detective and I'm Martin, his assistant.
Care taker: Oh,nice to meet you sir. I'm Anthony, the caretaker here. I'm the one who called you. Please come.
Jake just nodded his head. Then all of them went inside but Jake last time glanced at Hanna and then left.
Anthony: Sir please have a sit.
All three of them sat down and then Anthony said,
Anthony: Actually Sir, this matter is related to the family of the old man whom you saw outside with the girl.
Jake's heart started beating faster after hearing about Hanna and he wanted to ask about her but couldn't because he was very strict in his work. So, he put his thoughts aside and asked,
Jake: We would like to meet him directly now, we have to ask some questions so that we can take the case forward.
Anthony: Sure Sir, I'll call them right now.
After some time, both Hanna and the old man came inside and seeing Jake, Hanna got a little nervous but she did not say anything. Both sat and then Jake asked,
Jake: So, Mr.??
Anthony: Mr. Barnett Smith.
Jake: Okay, so Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you. Are you feeling queasy?
Mr. Smith: No, Sir. I'm okay, but at the same time I'm just sick of it.
Then he started crying. Both Jake and Hanna  can't controlled themselves and kneeldow infront of him and said,
Hanna/Jake: Please calm down Sir/uncle.
Jake looked at Hanna but she didn't even look at him once so Jake again said to Mr. Smith,
Jake: You have to be a strong cookie for your wife Mr. Smith. And don't worry we're with you. Trust me, I'll give you all your rights back.
Mr. Smith calmed down a bit and told Jake,
Mr. Smith: Son, I have something to tell you.
Jake: I'm all ears. Tell me.
Mr. Smith: Son, both my sons are very dangerous, we both came here from home to hide from them, but I am afraid that both of them will also come here. They snatched everything from us, even my daughter is in their custody, I don't know what they are doing with her. Both of them are the children of my second wife, after the death of my first wife, I married her so that my daughter could get mother's love and my wife also gave her that love but both of them never considered her as their sister. They also tortured us. We both left from there but our daughter remained there, we did not know where they had kept her. That's why we run so that we can ask someone for help. Please son save my daughter.
Saying this he again brust into tears. Jake hold his hands tightly and said,
Jake: Uncle please, have some patience. Aunty will be all right, doctor are doing there job very well. I already talked to them. Very soon your daughter will be with you.
Mr. Smith looked at him with hopeful eyes and patted his back softly then said,
Mr. Smith: I have one more thing to tell you son.
Jake: Yes, please tell me each and every information you have right now.
Mr. Smith: My both so..sons are involved in smuggling and trafficking.
Jake: What??
Mr. Smith: Yes son, I've heard them talking on the phone many times. Both of them are in contact with a big underworld group with whom they do all this work. They are involving even small children in this dangerous work. I don't know whether both of us will be able to escape from their hands or not, but son, you have to save my daughter and the other children in the cage.
Jake: Trust me uncle, we'll save everyone.
Then he thought about it for some time and asked,
Jake: Uncle, then why were they bothering you guys? You're their family, right? And you are not so poor that they have to do all this, then what is the point?
Mr. Smith: Both of them were like this since childhood, those who did not leave their sister, how would they think about anyone else? Both of them tried to force my daughter many times in front of my eyes, but being a father I couldn't save my daughter from them, I am a very bad father. Whenever I tried to defend my daughter, they beat us badly and didn't even give us food for days. Both of them have forcefully transferred all my property into their name.
He started crying badly seeing him like this Hanna couldn't control herself and hugged him tightly.
Jake: Calm down uncle, please. Mr. Anthony I want to talk to you privately, please come with me.
Anthony: Sure, Sir. Let's go.
Then when both of them came out, Anthony asked,
Anthony: Is anything serious Sir??
Jake: Yes, this is a completely sensitive case. We have to handle it delicately. We can't risk about his daughter and the other children's life. But I've a plan.
Anthony: Sir please share with me, I would love to help you in this whole investigation.
Jake shared his plan with him. Both of them were talking when Martin and Hanna also came, may be she heard about that plan so without wasting any time she said,
Hanna: Mr. Detective.
Jake's heart skipped a beat after listening a unique name from her. He again lost into her eyes. He couldn't hear anything else, only the same name was echoing in his ears again and again like a soft melody. Seeing this, Martin shook him a little and he came out of his thoughts and said,
Jake: Huh?
Hanna: I want to ask you something.
Jake: Yes, please.
Hanna: I want to go there as your secret agent.
Martin interrupted between and said,
Martin: See Miss...
He paused because he didn't know her name then suddenly Jake said,
Jake: Hanna.
Martin looked at him with a questionable eyes and said,
Martin: Look miss Hanna, this is not a game. This is a complicated task. So,don't involve yourself in this without any concerns.
Then Hanna looked straight at Jake and said,
Hanna: Mr. Detective, please let me do this work for uncle. I promise that I'll not give you a single chance to complain, I'll do my work with full dedication. See, sending me will make your work easier because I am a girl and if I go then all the girls will be able to talk to me openly.
Martin: But miss....
Jake interrupted and said,
Jake:Okay, let her. But remember one thing may be this will be your first and last mission.
Hanna: I don't care Mr. Detective. I'm ready.
Jake: Fine. We'll meet directly at my office.  Here's my card.
Martin: But Sir...
Jake: Martin let's go.
Both of them left from there. And here an unknown smile appeared on Hanna's face. She kept looking at Jake until he left. And on the other hand, when Jake and Martin were returning, Jake was completely silent the whole way, he was lost in deep thought, then Martin asked,
Martin: Sir, Don't get me wrong, but how can you give such a big responsibility to an ordinary girl? What will we do if something happens to her? We cannot put her life in danger to save the remaining people.
Jake: She's not an ordinary girl Martin.
Martin: Do you know her? Who's she? Then why I'm seeing her for the first time?
Jake: Yaah..I mean I don't know her properly but the passion I saw in her eyes for this mission, I think she will do it.
Martin: But Sir...
Jake: Let's not talk about this topic. We have not yet sent her on this mission, we can refuse her tomorrow.
Martin: Okay sir my bad.

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