What happened to Jake?

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Days turned into weeks, and the silence between Elisa and Jake grew thicker. Nana's attempts to reunite them were foiled at every turn, either by Lia's meddling or Elisa's stubborn refusal to budge.
One morning, Jake walked into the shop, his eyes scanning the room with a mix of longing and desperation. Nana, sensing his distress, turned from her bouquet-making duties and opened her arms. Jake embraced her, his head on her shoulder, his body language screaming frustration and heartache.
Nana, ever the intuitive one, quickly handed him the tiffin she had packed for him, but Jake's usual enthusiasm was nowhere to be found. He sat listlessly, his gaze wandering around the shop, his eyes searching for the one person who had captured his heart - Elisa.
Nana smiled gently then said,
Nana: She's at backyard, plucking some flowers.
Nana said while smiled a little. Jake looked at her then a thin smile formed on his face. He quickly opened that tiffin and started eating his favorite pancakes. Nana chuckled at his cuteness and ruffled his hair softly.
Jake: Nana, actually I'm going on a mission, that's why I came to meet you before leaving.
He said while eating. Nana asked with a teasing smile,
Nana: Only me?
Jake widened his eyes then gestured her to not to say loudly.
Jake: Do you want to close my chapter before opening? Then why you were yelling? Actually I want to see you both okay. This is an important mission for me because it's related to my college time friend. Who's family is in danger. I don't know how much time it will take me to return so.
He said with a sad face. That time Elisa entered with some flowers and saw him, but she avoided eye contact and went to her place to do her work. Jake looked at her back then to Nana who gave him a gesture of assurance. Then she called Elisa,
Nana: My girl what are you doing? Come here.
Elisa came towards them while completely avoiding Jake and asked,
Elisa: What happened Nana??
Nana: My bub is going on a new mission. Made a special bouquet for him with his regular one.
Elisa heart skipped a beat then after listening this from Nana, she just went from there to make a bouquet without glancing at Jake and started making a bouquet. When she was doing her work Jake was continously looking at her that how that news. She was trying her best to maintain a normal expression but her eyes were saying something else. She came to Nana after making two beautiful bouquets for Jake and placed on the table. She was about to go when Nana said,
Nana: Baby go and put them on his car, please.
She said with pleading eyes. Elisa nodded her head and went to outside to put them into car. While Nana gestured Jake to went after her who quickly left from there after placing a tight peck on Nana's cheek. When he came outside he saw that Elisa was closing the door of the car after placing the bouquets in the back seat. Jake came slowly towards her with a thin smile in his face. When she turn to leave Jake stood in front of her, their eyes met with each other. One pair is showing so much love while another pair is scared to accept that truth. After some minutes Elisa looked another side braking the eye contact and said,
Elisa: All the best Mr. Toner for your mission.

Jake felt a sharp pain after listening Mr

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Jake felt a sharp pain after listening Mr. Toner instead of Mr. Detective. Suddenly Elisa started leaving when Jake immediately hold her hands and pulled him into a tight hug. He wrapped his hands around her and hold her like a precious treasure. Elisa's eyes widened due to the sudden action and she was just standing like a statue. She was badly wanted to hold him back but controlled herself and asked,
Elisa: What are you doing? Let me go, someone will see us like this.
Jake nodded his head as no while hugging her more tightly and whispered in her ears,
Jake: Won't you miss me? What did I say wrong that you have been avoiding me since that day? is it a crime to love you? I wanna hold you like this for lifetime, I wanna spend my whole life with you. Is it my fault, that you weren't even looking at me? I'm gonna miss you so much Eli. Don't push me away, I can see the tears in your eyes, I can feel your heartbeat. Don't do this to me, don't do this to us.
Elisa freed herself from the hug and said,
Elisa: I think you should go.
After saying this she turned to leave while wiping her tears but Jake dragged her to backyard by holding her hand. She was trying to control her tears but nothing is working today. She was continously looking at Jake who was dragging her softly. She looked at their hands and thought, " don't do this to me Jake, please. I don't have anymore courage to lose you. Please go from here before I start crying in front of you." But her thoughts are interrupted when Jake again hug her tightly and said,
Jake: Listen, I have chosen you in this life, whether you believe it or not, but I'll always love you. You don't want to accept me it's okay, but let me love you.
Elisa: You will regret.
Elisa said and and was about to leave when Jake said,
Jake: Lest you regret it later.

He left after saying this

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He left after saying this. Elisa couldn't controlled herself and kneeled there and started crying loudly. She was thinking about Jake and his last word which he said before going from there but suddenly someone patted her shoulder. She flinched and looked at her back where Nana was standing there. She made her stand up and hugged her tightly while patting her hair.
Nana: Eli, Why are you stopping yourself from going to him?
Elisa started crying more while hugging her back.
Elisa: You... you know Nana. I...I don't want to see that again. He deserves a better life Nana. I can't ruin his life.
She started sobbing.
Nana: Don't you love him Eli?
Elisa looked at her while braking the hug and looked another side to avoid that question.
Nana: If you hold on to the past you'll not be able to live today. You're the love of his life. And he's willing to accept you, flaws and all. Don't push him away because of your fear, let him in. He'll heal your pain, he'll help you to find happiness again. Try to put your fear aside and look at his love, then you'll automatically get to know that what you should do.
Nana left from there after saying this while leaving Elisa in so much thoughts.
Days started passing like this and there's no news of Jake. It's been a week he left to his mission but after that he not even talked to Nana for once. One random day Elisa was going to pluck some flowers from the valley like usually she went. She was riding her cycle when she got a call from an unknown number, she stood there and received the call but the next moment her phone dropped from her hand.

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