Eli's last wish

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Mike: Yes,it was her dream to plant Lavenders on her graveyard.
Jake's heartbeat skipped after hearing this. He ran towards that corner sat near the small garden.
All of them went near him n Myra sat on his lap while hugging his neck tightly n started crying.
Myra: Dada,it's Mumma's graveyard. She's here since 2 years.
After listening her Jake became more shocked. He looked towards Mike n asked,
Jake: Two....two years??
Mike: Yes, it's been 2 years.
Jake looked towards him with a questionable eyes.
Mike: I know what you want to know. I didn't tell you because of your helath condition. 
Jake: What health condition?? What happened to me?
Mike: You lossed your memory since 6 years. When you were unconscious doctor came n tell us that now you're absolutely fine. We can tell you about your past years. So, we decided to tell you everything after consulting from him.That's why we took Amy from her school asking for half day leave.
Right now Jake has so much questions in his mind.
Mike: So, let me tell you from the beginning. Please calm down, don't get panicked n listen to me first. After Eli went from this house she came to me first. After her leave you met an accident while searching for her n suffered from partial memory loss.
Jake was listening everything silently, tears were flowing from his eyes continuously.
Mike: Now what I'll say may be you can't believe. But the rest story you'll hear from Eli.
Jake wide his eyes n said,
Jake: WHAT??
Mike: Amy please tell your Dada.
Jake looked towards Myra who's sitting on his lap while holding his neck.
Myra: Da...Dada. we saw Mumma's graveyard right?? But you didn't notice that their's no headstone over that. Because after she left us she want to meet you before that n she left a letter which was for you.
Then Mike gave him a letter, which Jake took from his hand n opened quickly,
On the letter:
My Prince charming,
I'm really sorry for hurting you this much. But, I'm helpless right now. I've to finish myself, because I can't risk your & my baby's life for me. I can't bear this much of pain alone. I know you'll not believe me if I tell you the truth may be you'll hate me after this. But, trust me i only loved you,i never cheated on you. Right now I just want to see you once,want to hug you tightly. You know you're the best hubby in this world. But you're so innocent that you can't even see your own family's intentions towards you. I can't see you & my princess in trouble. But promise me you'll take care of yourself and our little one. She needs you. Please protect her from those devils. Don't hurt yourself. Last thing I've  a wish,please you only put the headstone on my grave. I'll wait for you.
                                    love you my honey.
                                         Your Moonpie
Jake's eyes filled with tears, after reading the letter he started crying loudly while holding the letter close to his heart while holding Myra on another hand.
Myra: Dada ,now Mumma will tell you the whole truth.
Jake looked at her with questionable eyes,then he thought that She's so small to understand all these things may be that's why she's saying like this. So he said,
Jake: No baby,those who leave never come back. Your Mumma lef...left us.
Myra: Come with me. You know Mama never let me fe...feel alone. She's always wit...with me.
Myra sobbed while telling this. Jake hugged her tightly n pecked her face.
Myra: Then Myra took him toward the drawer n opened the pendant box which Eli gave to them. Then he take out her pendant from her pocket carefully, after seeing this Jake widened his eyes n said,
Jake: You remembered about this??
Myra smiled softly n said,
Myra: This is not an ordinary pendant , this is the connector between our family. Now come to me, n please don't get panicked. Just do what I'm saying.
Myra put one pendant on Jake n another one on her own neck. Then give the third pendant to Mike n Brett who hold them in their hands so that they can also able to see Eli.
Then Myra said everyone to close their eyes, all of them followed her. After some minutes some slow wind blew from the window n they all can feel someone's presence in the room. Jake opened his eyes at the last n looked towards Myra, but she just signaled him to look towards window. Jake confusly looked at Myra then turn his gaze towards window, but when his eyes fall on the figure which standing
Near the window he just frozen at his place. Tears started flowing from his eyes, he couldn't even believe his own vision.
Myra just shook his hand softly n said,
Myra: Dada, Mumma is waiting for you so long. Please go to her.
After listening this Jake looked towards Eli who opened her arms to invite Jake for a hug. He can't controlled himself n ran towards Eli kneeldow infront of her. Eli just picked him from down n hold his arms. Still he can't believe in his own eyes. He slowly touched her hands then Eli slowly opened her arms again while smiled with tears. Then he hugged her tightly. Myra was continously crying after seeing her parents like this,so both her uncles came to her n Brett hold her in his arms.
Jake started crying loudly n asked,
Jake: Why?? Why you leave me alone? Why? I'm tired of pretending to be strong,I can't, I can't. I'm tired of everything.
Eli patted his back softly. After some time Jake broke the hug n asked,
Jake: Tell me ,why you did this?? Why you left your own family? Who bothered you this much?
Eli: Will you believe me?? Because you just hated all these years.
Jake looked at her with so many emotions.
Eli: I was always with you. Whenever you tired to sleep but can't, when you had so much nightmares,when you were trying to ask me something, when you were trying to search for me, when you met an accid....accident n when you lost your mem....
She can't complete her sentence because of sobbing. Jake hugged her again. Eli cupped his face n asked,
Eli: You want to ask me so many things, right??
Jake nodded like a toddler.
Eli: Okay, I'll answer your each n every question today. I don't know how you'll react but you have to be strong for our baby. Look at her, How has she learned to bear all those things, just for you. You know she used to tell me that when I'll go to Dada I'll not cry infront of him,because I know how much he suffered in this years. So,I'll protect him now.
Jake looked at Myra with a teary eyes n proud smile.
Eli: Will you believe me,if I say that your own family destroyed our family??
Jake looked at her with a shocking face.
Jake: What??
Eli: It...it's your Mom n Jo..
Jake: Don't...don't you dare to complete your words.
Eli chuckled sadly n said,
Eli: How long will you keep running from the truth? One day you have to face the reality. I know it's hard for you to believe but this is the dark truth of your life,that your own family hates you from the beginning.
Jake: How can you say this?? You know my Mom has always loved you like her own daughter.
Eli: Never, she always hated me. She has always treated me like a trash. I endured everything silently for so many years so that my family doesn't suffer. She only loves our property, nothing else.
Jake: ENOUGH!! I don't want to listen anything against her. Baby let's go.
He took Myra from Brett n left from there hurriedly,while leaving he just throw that pendant from his neck.

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