Will Jake able to rescue Hanna??

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Joseph and Johnny both were ready for their deal. They used to went through a secret route from where no-one could catch them. But this time that route was known to Jake.he already informed the cops and he himself was there to catch them red handed. They forced all the girls to sit in the car and was preparing to leave through their secret route. Hanna had already told everyone that everyone should cooperate without worrying. Both the brothers were madly worried about Jennifer as to where she had disappeared. Moreover, there was no trace of his parents either. Back to story, the car was passing through an alley which is completely separate from the city. Probably after 2 hrs the car stopped infront of a abandoned house which is in between a forest. The two brothers came out of their car and all their men came out of the car behind them. Then one of them signaled them to bring the girls out and their men forcefully brought all the girls. Then everyone went inside and people from the other group were already sitting there and were looking at the two brothers, Then their boss stood up from his chair and said while extending his hand,
Boss: Welcome, Mr. Joseph and Johnny. We were waiting for you only.
Joseph: Just final the deal Robin, we don't have free time like you to waste.
Their boss gulped his saliva after seeing the dark gaze of those brothers then nodded his head.
Boss: Okay, Mr. Joseph I was just greeting you. Nevermind, have your seats.
Then he ordered one of his man ,
Boss: Go and bring the check book.
That man bowed down and left from there.
Then the boss looked towards those girls then licked his lower lip.
Joseph: They're not for you Robin, just sift your filthy gaze from them. They're just a deal for you. And yes don't try to double cross us. Or else you know the consequences. Just send them properly to the right place.
That man nodded his head slowly but his eyes were still on those girls specially on Hanna.
And on otherside,
Jake was trying to listen their talk but couldn't able to. He's continuously calling Hanna for further response but couldn't connect with her. After some time he received a signal from her due to which he got some relief. A small smile appeared on his face which was noticed by Martin. Then he asked,
Martin: Sir, As far as I remember, I've never seen you cracking smile during a mission, your face was always a mask of steel, so what happened I'm seeing this rare display of emotions?
Jake: Don't talk rubbish. I'm not smiling you idiot. I'm just...just thinking abouts next move.
Martin: Don't lie sir, you're very bad on that. I can clearly see the relief on your face which wasn't there some time before. And when did you start stammering in front of me?
His eyes narrowed, and here Jake's mind racing to maintain his poker face. He was trying to hide his emotions though this was happening for very first time with him. So, he just changed the topic and said,
Jake : Let's focused on the mission Martin. Hanna and the girls are our priority.
At the dealing room both the parties sign the agreement for the deal and Joseph's men release the girls to other side. And in no time Hanna send the final signal to Jake after which cops caged them from every possible escaping way. Joseph and Johnny's men were already caged by cops and some lady officers are asking the girls about their conditions.
When the police surrounded all the people present there, Jake and Martin emerged ; there eyes scanning the room, but three crucial figures were missing : Joseph, Johnny and Hanna. The game was far from over and Jake and Martin knew they had to move fast to uncover the truth. Suddenly Jake's phone started ringing due to which tension lingered in everyone's face. Jake received the call and someone spoke from other side,
??: Well, well, well Mr. Jake Toner; the most intelligent private detective. You thaught you could outsmart us? but you tried very well. Well lemme tell you ,your so called spy , your precious miss Hanna is with us. Would you like to speak with her??
Jake's grip on the phone tightened, his eyes narrowing,
Jake: Joseph, cut the theatrics. Whatever you want to discuss, do it with me. Leave Hanna out of this.
The voice on the other end chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound,
Joseph: Oh, Jake, you're so predictable. You think you can dictate terms? We'll show you what happens when you meddle in our affairs. Say goodbye to your little spy.
The line went dead, and Jake's face turned ashen, his mind racing with the implications. Martin's eyes locked onto his, a silent understanding passing between them.
Jake: Now spill the beans, reveal your demands.
Joseph: Not bad,not bad. The detective wants to play hero, right? Very well, let's get down to business.
Jake: Don't test my patience Joseph.
Joseph: Oh I see. So much love for this beauty.
He said while caressing Hanna's face with his gun.
Joseph: Okay, so our demand is simple send Jennifer to us and in return we'll gift you your Hanna.
Now Jake was in a dilemma whether he should hand Jennifer over to them or leave Hanna. But perhaps something came to his mind and he said,
Jake: I've something more profitable deal for you. I can handover Julia to you if you leave Hanna.
After hearing this, Joseph remained silent for some time, because Julia was his girlfriend, about whom even Johnny didn't know, Jake had taken her name. His longterm love who betrayed him years ago. Even he didn't have any idea about her existence. Though somewhere his heart searched for her which he avoiding everytime. Johnny's eyes darted towards him , confusion etched on his face, sensing something was amiss.
Jake: Don't put so much pressure on your mind Joseph that how I knew about it. That's not the matter for sure. Just tell me do you want her or not?
Joseph: Okay, meet me at xxx.

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