15. Dinner 2

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"Really Earth? Is that divorce agreement you made also part of your so-called joke?" Kao asked. "You even signed them already!"

Earth was thunderstruck by Kao's question. He hadn't expected that Kao had already seen those papers. He didn't know what to say at this point.

"Is there no way we can make things work, Earth?" Kao's voice broke. "I- I have been trying to sort everything out, Earth. I have been trying really hard. Can't you give me a little bit of time to prove myself?"

Earth felt his heartache just by the way Kao was looking at him. He knew Kao was trying. Trying so hard that he often neglected himself.

During the two years of their marriage, Kao had spared no efforts to make him feel comfortable. He had been the wall between Earth and those people who threw dirty and disturbing comments at him. He tried his best not to let them get to his husband.

This was exactly why Earth wanted to free Kao from their relationship.

He didn't mind being insulted by some random people who held no importance to him. But when those people started insulting Kao and Art because of him, he couldn't take it.

Even though he always projected himself as a strong independent person, from within he was soft.

He had always known about his feminine side. He loved wearing makeup and short skirts. He loved pink and yellow over any other colours. He loved plushies and soft toys. He wasn't ashamed of it at all. He had proudly embraced his femininity and sexuality.

But witnessing the struggle Kao had to go through just because he chose to stay by his side, made him wish that he was born a girl. Then, his husband wouldn't have been targeted like he is now.

" Earth, I know that you didn't really have plans on marrying me. I know I am not the same kind as those boys you used to hook up with before we got married. But, didn't you love me once? " Kao stared straight into Earth's eyes but the latter lowered his gaze. "Or was it just a fleeting puppy love that a teenager felt for an older guy? Were you and me, us.. "

Kao felt a lump in his throat that he couldn't speak. He sucked in cold air to compose himself. "You should eat your dinner and go to bed. I am sleeping in the study tonight. "

He turned around and walked towards the study at the other end of the hall, leaving a teary-eyed Earth behind.

Earth was crushed. He never intended things to turn out like this. He never knew that Kao had been so insecure about himself as well as their relationship.

He hugged his knee as he squatted on the floor, crying.


Kao tossed and turned on the huge couch, trying to fall asleep. But couldn't.

Not because the couch was uncomfortable, but because of his outburst outside. He hadn't raised his voice or started a fight or anything. He just asked questions. The questions that had been revolving around his head ever since he saw those divorce papers.

He regretted bringing up the topic right away. Maybe if he had brought it up some other time when he was far less emotional than he was now, he could have pitched it better. He may even have had the chance to convince Earth to stay in the marriage. He wished he was less impulsive.

Now... Kao sighed. He had no clue what was going to happen the next morning or what he would have to do so that he could erase the thought of divorce from his husband's head.

He tightly shut his eyes, hoping that his brain would stop thinking and making up the worst-case scenarios in his head.

He heard the study door open. He was hundred per cent sure that he had locked it before lying down to sleep. He didn't need to guess that it was Earth who entered the room using the spare keys he had.

He was flustered. 'Don't come here. Don't come over to me!' He screamed internally.

He knew that he wasn't in a good mental condition now to talk. He knew he needed space to clear his head.

If Earth were to come over to him and ask him to go back to their bedroom, he would have to say yes, or else, it would do more damage than what was already done. He shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Just like he wished, Earth didn't come over to him. He went straight towards the shredder in the corner of the study.

The sound of the shredder being turned on made Kao peek. He saw Earth holding the same file that contained the divorce agreement. He watched as his husband took out the legal papers and fed them to the shredder one by one.

Seeing those papers turn into shreds, joy filled Kao's mind. He smiled involuntarily, completely forgetting that he was pretending to be asleep a minute ago.

He only realised his mistake when he met his husband's piercing gaze and his heart immediately skipped a beat. Not because he was scared but because his husband looked way too beautiful.

It was very evident that Earth had been crying all this while from the puffy eyes, pink nose, flushed cheeks and pouty lips. All things that could be entered into Kao's weakness list.

Earth pouted seeing that Kao wasn't showing any reaction. He had already shredded those stupid papers. He didn't know why his husband was still mad at him.

He stomped his way to Kao and lifted the duvet covering him. He then pulled Kao's hand and placed it on the side. He climbed onto the couch and lay down with Kao's hand as the pillow, covering himself and his husband with the duvet.

Kao couldn't resist the cuteness anymore. He softly kissed the top of Earth's head.

Earth glared at him with teary eyes. The next second, he bit Kao on the chest.

"Ouch!" Kao chuckled in pain.

"I hate you old man!" Earth glared harder at him.

"But I love you little one" Kao kissed Earth on his cheeks with a big smile, hugging him closer.

"You better" Earth hmphed.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Kao replied. He was so relieved at the moment that he was having an adrenaline rush. Earth's leg on top of him wasn't doing him any good either.

He didn't want to rush Earth though. It wasn't the right time to feel horny. He just escaped a divorce. He could only drop hints, hoping that his husband would pick them up. "So, do you want to go sleep in the bed?"

"No, the bed is too big. Let's just sleep on this couch, like we used to." Earth wanted to cuddle for a while with Kao just the way he used to even before they started dating.

Feeling Earth's body press closer to him, Kao cleared his throat. "It is not very comfortable to sleep on the couch the whole night."

Earth raised his head and looked at his husband as he heard those words. "You want to sleep?"

Kao blinked, wondering if he was comprehending the dialogue right.

Earth smirked at his husband's innocent reaction. He moved closer to Kao's ears and whispered. "Your baby had been naughty. Daddy, please punish your baby!"

That was all Kao had to hear. The couple was having a long night ahead of them.

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