31. Daughter

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"Relax, darling. I have already packed everything that we might need over there." Kao massaged his husband's tensed shoulders.

"How am I supposed to relax when you wouldn't let me check if something is left behind?" Earth huffed.

Kao hugged his husband's waist "Don't worry, love. I have cross-checked it thrice. Everything is in place."

"Why do you have to be so mysterious about this? Can't you just tell me where we are going?" Earth was sulking as Kao was in no way letting him know where they were on the trip.

The trip was supposed to last two whole weeks. But he couldn't prepare anything as he was clueless about their destination. He was so sure that everyone around him knew where he was going but none of them would open their mouth when he asked them.

Besides, they were going on a private jet so he couldn't find plane tickets as well. This pissed Earth off further.

"Because it is supposed to be a surprise, darling" Kao smiled enigmatically.

"Go away!" Earth pouted and pushed his husband away.

Kao chuckled and walked away whistling some song.

His husband's carefree and secretive attitude made Earth more curious about the destination. This wasn't the kind of honeymoon he wanted.

He too wanted to do something for Kao during the honeymoon. But he couldn't even plan it much less execute it without knowing where they were going and the rest of the details. he wasn't even allowed to touch the luggage until they reached their destination.

 "Darling, would you mind forwarding Art's schedule to Ohm? He has been asking for it since last night" Kao peeked out of the bedroom.

Earth glared at his husband but got up to do what he was told to do. He quickly fished out his son's schedule and forwarded it to his cousin-in-law. 

Slipping his phone into his pocket, he headed to their bedroom. "What exactly did you get P' Ohm to agree to look after Art?" He sat on the bench at the foot of the bed. "I mean, out of all people, P' Ohm was the last person that I thought I could send Art to"

Kao laughed hearing Earth "Why did you think like that?" He asked applying the face cream that was must-apply under his husband's rule.

"No particular reason actually." Earth knitted his brows. "He never struck me as a 'kids' person before."

"He is." Kao moved on to the next product in his night skincare routine. "He is in fact the best with the kids among all three of us. He often used to volunteer at temples to take care of those little monks. All those kids used to love him. They used to be really sad when he left."

Earth found it unbelievable. "It's just that P' Ohm hadn't actually been that enthusiastic about having the kids over before."

"Oh, that!" Kao looked at his husband's face through the mirror "That was because the kids would always take all of 'his Noo's' attention. He was just too jealous to share his Noo with those kids."

"Then what kind of black magic did you do on him that he volunteered himself now?"

"He said he wanted to practice taking care of kids. He is almost a hundred per cent sure that Fame would do something and Fluke will have to take the baby from her as per the agreement." Kao tapped his skin gently as he finished off the skincare routine.

"P' Ohm told you about it?" Earth wasn't expecting Ohm to have shared the news with his cousins.

"He did."

"What was he like?" Earth asked tentatively.

"He was alright. He is actually treating it like having a child with a surrogate. Just that the said 'surrogate' is someone who gets on his nerves easily." Kao headed to the bed.

Earth crawled on the other side of the bed. "What is your take on the situation?" He wanted to know what his husband thought of the messy situation.

"My take? I don't see any problem with the situation."

"Even if P' Ohm had to take care of the baby?" Earth implored.

"What could be the problem if that happens? Aren't you and Prem taking care of Art and Bew? What problem would arise if Ohm did the same?" Kao questioned in return.

Earth went silent. He felt that Kao was right. He didn't understand what was the problem that he had been worried about all along. He was taken aback when Kao suddenly grabbed and pulled him towards himself.

Kao hugged his husband in his arms "Speaking of having to raise a baby... Art had been saying that he wants a sibling..." He trailed off.

"What do you mean, phi?" Earth sat up and looked at his husband in surprise.

"It's just a thought" Kao smiled guiltily "I was wondering how it will be to hire a surrogate and have another baby?"

Earth was too stunned to speak.

"I don't mind the gender of the child. But since we already have Art as a son, I would like a daughter as the second child. A pretty and sweet daughter just like you." Kao added.

"You want 'me'" Earth pointed at himself "to be the biological father of the child?"

Kao nodded "It would be great if she inherited all your qualities. I would like to have a mini you in our little family."

"God, this is ridiculous." Earth shook his head, trying to unhear what he just heard.

"What's so ridiculous about this?" Kao couldn't comprehend why Earth found the idea of having another child ridiculous.

"You are really out of your mind, aren't you?" Earth shut his eyes in helplessness.

"I don't understand a single word you are saying. It's not like we can't afford to raise another child. Love, if you have forgotten, your husband is a rich man." Kao said narcissistically.

"I know, Khun Dechaphatthanakun. I know that you own enough wealth for four more generations of the family to live lavishly even without moving a muscle."

"Then? What is the problem?"

"The problem is your family." Earth looked at his husband who seemed oblivious to the whole issue. "Your family barely accept me, our relationship. If we are going to have a child, that too my child, how do think they will react?"

"They would be delighted. Especially my Khun Yaay. She will be over the moon to hear that we are having another child and that too yours, after all, you are the only member left in your family. I feel that she will be glad to hear that her best friend is going to have a great-grandchild" Kao was aware of the deep friendship between their grandmothers.

The non-toxic kind of friendships that the old people had was something he envied so much.

"What about Mom? She would snap if she even heard this idea." Earth sighed. "She is already saying that she wants to take Art away from us because she feels that I am not taking good care of him. If she finds out about this, she will use this as a reason to make a wedge between me and our son. I don't want that to happen, phi."

"If it is my mom whom you are worried about, I have its solution. All you have to do is say yes." Kao kissed his husband's temples as he spooned the latter in his arms.


A quick question,.

Where should I send these two for their honeymoon? I am torn between Greece and Scotland.

Give me you suggestions, please

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