1 The professor

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This story was written before the publication of The Deathly Hallows. In the timeline of this story, Albus Dumbledore was not killed in the Astronomy Tower.

This is a translation of myoriginal fanfic called "La familia Snape" Please, forgive any spelling and grammar mistakes.


Harry woke up to a loud snoring, and for a moment, he felt disoriented as he found himself surrounded by bright orange Quiddich posters.

He closed his eyes instinctively when a Bludger passed too close to his face, followed by a miniature player, and when he turned over to go back to sleep he found the figure of Ron, who was sleeping in another bed next to him. He still hadn't taken off the tuxedo he had worn the night before, at his brother's wedding.

The Burrow was eerily silent as everyone was sleeping off their hangovers, but Harry thought he heard some bustle in the kitchen, which meant Mrs. Weasley was already up.

A week ago, Harry had left his aunt and uncle's house for good, after turning seventeen, and had moved to the Burrow. It had taken him very little to adapt to his new life, since the Weasleys treated him as if he were one of the family, and Mrs. Weasley kept telling him that he could stay as long as he needed.

Knowing that he couldn't go back to sleep because of Ron's snoring, Harry got up and went quietly down to the kitchen, where Mrs. Weasley was busy cleaning up the remains of the previous night's party.

"Harry, dear, how did you sleep?" she asked when she saw him.

"Not much," he replied, sitting down at the table.

"No wonder, after what you did last night, it seemed like the whole house was going to fall!" Mrs. Weasley protested, but Harry smiled knowing she wasn't upset. "Do you want breakfast?"

"In fact–"

"Of course," she interrupted, starting to cook a breakfast that could feed more than twenty people. Harry, whose head was worse than an alarm clock, his stomach really crushed and his mouth pasty, looked at her desperately, but did not dare to contradict her.

"I'm glad it's all over now," Mrs. Weasley commented as she paced back and forth. "I thought that wedding would never happen."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, you know that we mothers worry about stupid things," she played it down, and placed in front of him the pancakes, the toast, the juice, the milk, the fruit, the... "But in the end, everything worked out. Do you want bacon?" she asked suddenly.


"Right now," she turned around, without giving him time to answer.

Harry stood there with a shocked face, unable to say anything, until suddenly, the fireplace expelled a green flare, the product of the floo powder, and the head of Albus Dumbledore appeared.

"Professor!" exclaimed Mrs. Weasley. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing serious, Molly, don't worry," he reassured her. "I just wanted to talk to Harry for a moment."

"Why? What's the matter?" Harry asked, jumping up.

"I can't tell you through the fireplace, you'll have to come to my office." Dumbledore looked at Mrs. Weasley with a smile. "It's been a pleasure, Molly."

Harry looked at Mrs. Weasley, confused and not knowing what to do, and she urged him to come as quickly as possible. Harry grabbed a piece of toast and went into the fireplace. Seconds later, he landed in Dumbledore's office, where the headmaster was waiting for him.

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