20 Creatures of the night

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Voldemort managed to push himself off the wall and narrowed his eyes as he saw Harry standing in front of him.

"Harry Potter," he whispered. "Allow me to welcome you to my humble abode," he greeted in a mocking tone, making a small bow.

Harry looked at him seriously. He had heard Ginny scream, but he guessed that she had left with the others, and that gave him at least a little peace of mind.

"You are just like your father, stiff and proud, facing death," Voldemort told him, trying to provoke him, but Harry did not answer him. To his own surprise, he felt very calm, as if he were not the one standing there, and perhaps that was why he was thinking more clearly. "Aren't you going to run away?" Voldemort asked.

"I think it's time to end all of this," Harry replied.

Voldemort attacked him without warning, but Harry was prepared and stopped the spell, responding immediately.

The exchange of curses happened quickly, with almost no time between attack and defense. Harry observed curious how he stopped and responded to Voldemort's spells with ease, but he was more surprised by how calm he felt.

It was as if he were dreaming, or as if someone else was moving his body. The speed of the fight was such that the movement of their wands could barely be seen, but it seemed to Harry that everything was happening in slow motion, and he had plenty of time to calculate what he had to do with his next move.

His plan was to drive Voldemort against the wall, where he would leave him stuck and defenseless, but he did not want to think too much about that, since he did not want the other to guess his intentions through Legilimency.

Voldemort launched a series of curses at him at full speed, and Harry had to take refuge behind the pedestal where the cup had been, because he was not able to stop them. A second later, he stood up to continue fighting, but Voldemort had already tired of the game.

"Avada Kedavra."

"Expelliarmus, " Harry replied.

As had happened years ago, the spells struck each other in the air, creating a thread of golden light that linked the two wands. Harry saw how a grain of light appeared in the middle of the thread and began to float from one wand to another, but this time, Voldemort was smarter and did not let the same scene repeat itself, but moved his wand, breaking the bond that united it with Harry's.

"Did you think I was going to fall into the same trap?"

"Luminus," Harry pointed at his face. From the tip of his wand came a very powerful beam of light, like a flash. Voldemort covered his face with a cry of pain. "Expelliarmus," Harry repeated, and Voldemort was thrown against the wall, where he stuck and began to sink.

Harry approached him, breathing slowly and deeply.

He had to kill him, there was no other option.

Voldemort had killed and tortured many people. Because of him, he had grown up without knowing his parents. Because of him, Sirius and Cedric were dead. Because of him, Neville and Hermione's parents would not be able to lead a normal life.

He had to pay for everything he had done.

Harry raised his wand and pointed it at Voldemort. He had to say the words. He was going to pronounce them.

And yet, he was not able to.

Without knowing why, he remembered when Sirius and Remus had almost killed Wormtail.

"My father wouldn't have wanted his best friends to become murderers because of him, " he had told them.

He looked at Voldemort, who was struggling furiously to free himself from the wall. That undesirable man had killed his parents, but they would not have wanted their son to become a murderer because of him.

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