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Harry gripped his wand tightly and subtly shifted the position of his feet, preparing for the attack. In front of him, the three aurors remained alert, without taking their eyes off him.

And suddenly, green lights began to shine on the ceiling, and all the wizards moved in unison. Harry evaded two of the spells and blocked the third. However, he left his defensive stance, leaping forward and casting spells in rapid succession.

He managed to corner one of the aurors, and in one swift movement, he disarmed him and left him hanging from the ceiling, covered in thick, viscous mucus. The other two aurors redoubled their efforts, trying to surround him.

Harry jumped to the side, covering himself with a shield, and in a fleeting movement he pulled his wand towards him, sending one of the aurors flying forward.

Leaping over him, Harry knocked him unconscious and charged at the last auror standing. He defended himself frantically, but Harry blocked his spells without difficulty.

Finally, with a twist, he jumped to the side and cast a strong curse, which hit the auror in the chest and threw him against the wall. Harry snatched the wand from her and pointed his wand at her face. The auror raised her hands, signaling her surrender, and the overhead lights turned blue.

Harry lowered his wand and stepped away. Then, the walls blurred and disappeared, revealing a group of veteran aurors behind them. Shaklebolt stepped forward, a folder in his hand.

"Impressive Potter, it took you less than three minutes. You have surpassed young Lowel's record."

"Thank you sir," Harry smiled.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do tomorrow in the camouflage test."

Harry simply nodded and accepted the invitation to leave the room. He greeted a few old acquaintances as he went and tried to ignore the curious glances of the others. He could hear his name being whispered, and he wondered if that uncomfortable feeling of being constantly recognized would ever go away.

Then, he recognized another wizard who was waiting for him at the end of the corridor, with a smile on his face.

"Less than three minutes, huh? Congratulations."

"I'm sorry for taking your record."

"It's okay," Adrien shrugged. "I'm glad to see the old tricks worked. Have you used the boomerang spell?"

"I thought it wasn't called that."

"What else is it going to be called?" Adrien and Harry entered the elevator and pressed the buttons to go up to the Atrium." And what was that green thing you pinned Roberts down with?"

"Ginny's invention," Harry smiled. "I promised her I would use it."

"She should apply to the Spell Invention Unit. Your girlfriend has a very curious imagination."

"I will tell her. By the way, are you still called Lowel?" he asked, remembering Shaklebolt 's comment. Adrien gave a guilty smile.

"It's complicated. Everyone knows me by that name, and I don't want my father's last name to influence my career, for better or worse," Adrien ran a hand through his hair. "For now, I'll wait for our sudden fame to fade into oblivion. It seems very strange to me that everyone stares at me in the corridors. I hope that now that you are here everything changes," he joked.

"I still need to pass the camouflage test."

"It won't be anything. The judges will make it very easy for you: who is going to dare to fail Harry Potter? Especially when the Minister of Magic himself is following your evaluation with such interest."

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